The marvelous bl0uuj0b animations!

Ahhh … gifs. 

I spent ALL DAY yesterday working on a bunch of little animations. It might turn into a gif or a series of gifs, I presumably need to stop short of accidentally making a full-on feature film because I suspect that would take rather a lot of work, especially without motion capture or teams of engineers or what-have-you.

But it seems that I can certainly make hot gifs! Woop woop! I wasted a few hours trying to do it using Bullet Physics, getting the lips to deform naturally around the … interesting shapes … but that didn’t work because, as anyone who has used Bullet Physics will testify, Bullet Physics is total shit. I mean … ok it’s fine if you’re animating some explosions of pieces of glass or something, but for organic shapes, it does have a tendency to go a little … balloon splat.

It’ll probably be a week or so before the different angles and little bits and pieces of the animation have been rendered – my poor computer is like WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME – but we’ll get there won’t we lil’ fella?! Eh??

So check back sometime soon and there’ll surely be some rather lovely easter eggs to accompany an upcoming comic scene from Lithium #10 woop woop! In the meantime, here are some wireframe previews of a couple of motions. Please feel free to make suggestions if you have done this kinda 3D animation stuff, but if you’re not sure what’s involved, keep the suggestions to yourself, eh? I know these animations aren’t perfect! Who am I, George Lucas?! 

Honestly, the mind boggles what sort of filth lurks on the old ILM servers … JARJAR NOOOOO


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