

OK sitrep: it turns out that having a break to let your brain untangle is absolutely flipping amazing! 10/10 would recommend, it is ok not to be ok, we all need to look after ourselves now and then. Rest is part of resilience after all! Yay! 🙂

So … the comic!! I’m just getting to literally the last few pages – it’s taking a massive turn as we enter the finale and honestly I’m quite excited about how it’s turning out! Obviously with this one being almost completely silent, it does not cover the sort of content that my ‘normal’ comics do, but I think I’ve managed to convey the themes ok using expression and context. Hopefully! Anyway don’t hold your breath but we should be looking at next Friday (ish … don’t quote me on that one … I mean I also thought it’d be out by Christmas Eve so it’s not the most thorough of project schedules) for the release. Good times 🙂 

PS. I’ve found a copy of ‘Sasha’ which was a free set of poser morphs for V4 that are no longer available (I mean V4 must be like 15 years old by now!), the file is here: https://www52.zippyshare.com/v/IXsofXev/file.html – although it now looks like that link is broken…? Anyway if someone can share it somewhere more robust, that might be good. Looks like it’s still here; https://ufile.io/p7ebezt6

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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