Gifs! Gifs! Gifs! Love me some gifs

Here’s the first few silly gifs! Hoooray! Charlotte and her bestest pal Jack, enjoying a sunny morning in the bathroom.  I regret nothing. Share them wherever you like, I’ll prob delete them sometime, knowing me. Note: the only rule with these gifs, is that if you pronounce it a soft J sound, ‘jifs’, then you…


The wisdom of a captured soldier. Удивительная мудрость пленного русского солдата

Hello! Pheweee, boobies eh?!?! Aaaanyway, this incredible video of a Russian soldier has been released. Here is the source. As this blog is still currently available in Russia, and as my blog has a substantial following from within Russia (esp Moscow), here is a simple message of solidarity with the people of Russia, of peace….


The light shines in the darkness

Big thanks to a few people who’ve bought lots from my wishlist recently! Very generous, thank you. Someone commented that I should charge therapy rates for my comics, haha that’s a fine idea! Glad they have some impact in what does seem a rather dark world, especially right now. Lots could be said about these…
