The light shines in the darkness

Big thanks to a few people who’ve bought lots from my wishlist recently! Very generous, thank you. Someone commented that I should charge therapy rates for my comics, haha that’s a fine idea! Glad they have some impact in what does seem a rather dark world, especially right now.

Lots could be said about these times in Ukraine, I won’t dwell too much but it can’t go unmentioned: Putin can go and very much fuck himself.

With decades of experience working alongside people from infosecurity and a broad range of other digital industries, I think this article excellently draws together what we have been seeing for some years →.

Certainly the correlation with divide-and-conquer tactics, whataboutism, misinformation war and even the recently voiced opinions of some of my own friends (ahh, facebook …), we do not appear to have learnt very much from history. And we need a bit of a lesson on the importance of truth and honouring humans, their differences and their remarkable value.


Absolutely textbook Hitler vibes from Putin, obviously. But no problem, punching Nazis is a team sport. And as many of my readers are American, can I say as a proud European, what an absolute wild pleasure and relief it is to have Biden at the helm over there? Genuinely, to have someone with personal and staff competence in the US at a time like this is a huge relief. Trump would’ve sat back and praised Putin’s genius, and the course of the war would be extraordinarily darker for it. If you hate me for saying this, and you are an avid watcher of Fox news, please read the article linked above in full, and have a serious think about how you may have been manipulated in recent years.

Oh, sorry I should be talking about sexy comics or something … if only there was some way to do both …

(anyway those bj gifs will be along shortly, no doubt).
PS. In case it wasn’t clear enough above; glory to Ukraine. 

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