New character extravaganza!!!

OK I’m having great fun making tons of new people. It’s always nice prepping scenes, though I have to admit I’d been a bit slow with some of the scenes because my ideas kinda outstrip my technical skills! Anyway, characters are easy to make, so here’s a few … You can’t repel boobies of this…


Be excellent to each other …

  SPOILERS ok so my life has calmed down a bit and I’ve had a chance to do one of my favourite things! Masturbating … I mean creating comics, wahooo!!! Here are a couple of spoilers from the upcoming comic, I’d say I’ve done about 10% of the rendering so we’re nowhere near the getting…


Kickin butt and gettin nakey

OK! I’m feeling a little better about this whole ultra-mega-ridiculous comic thing rn, which is always good! I’ve done a few scene setups and a little edit of the text and it sort of comes together more neatly now.  I don’t think this is going to be the final Lithium comic; I say that because…



Can anyone recommend a free cloud storage thingy? I’ve been using Google Drive but I’m a bit worried they’ll see boobies and think I’m a deviant and ban me and I’ll get the Feds knocking at my door (despite me not being anywhere near America, but you know … I’ve seen movies where they do…



  OK fine, I’m working on the next comic. FINE! I admit it. I say ‘working’, it’s not really working really is it? It’s procrastination from my actual workload.  Which is substantial. Ah well, let’s hope my boss doesn’t find this blog. Only kidding I don’t have a boss; as we all know I’m a…
