

OK fine, I’m working on the next comic. FINE! I admit it. I say ‘working’, it’s not really working really is it? It’s procrastination from my actual workload. 

Which is substantial. Ah well, let’s hope my boss doesn’t find this blog. Only kidding I don’t have a boss; as we all know I’m a sentient AI birthed from a Wham cassette or something. But if my boss does find this job I PROMISE I’M WORKING REALLY. Plus, boobies.

PS. don’t get too excited, I don’t know if you know this but 3D comics are really difficult to do, and The Lithium Comic is probably going to be the hardest one yet for sheer mayhem 3D scenes. I have painted myself well and truly into a corner in terms of stupid wild plot and now I have to work through the most absurd complexities in this thing. So it’ll happen bit by bit, but don’t hold your breath, it’ll plop out of me like … like … like frozen humanoids from a droid-emptied stasis pod.

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