
Can anyone recommend a free cloud storage thingy? I’ve been using Google Drive but I’m a bit worried they’ll see boobies and think I’m a deviant and ban me and I’ll get the Feds knocking at my door (despite me not being anywhere near America, but you know … I’ve seen movies where they do that anyway and I don’t want Will Smith to slap me).

I guess I need about 10gb to host the whole of OHB, and same again for Lithium. Sync was good for a few Gb but really unusably limited in terms of free storage options. Or maybe I should just zip/encrypt it in packages and stick them on rotting google drives or something.

Aaaaanyway, how are we all? Hopefully I’ll be able to commit more time to Lithium soon, I miss that silly comic hehehh. Have some extremely random development renders 🙂

^ I think I was working on Charlie originally, before I’d done any comics whatsoever, and I did some renders like this and I was like …. damn … I need to make a comic for this character, because she’s … she’s … yep. 

^ PERIL!! Yeah, I knew I wanted that stuck-in-a-tube scifi cliche thing, but I didn’t want her to be rescued by a buff man (even more of a cliche), hence Skylar’s mad powers. Also, I just wanted to experiment with volumes of water/fluid because that was cool in 3D terms.

^ camper vans! Nothing is sexier than a camper van. NOTHING.

^ I went through about a million skin tests for our dear slave alien. All good fun 🙂

^ PENIS WORK! What could be better than a boner in a pair of little pants, right?! RIGHT! A barely contained rod, bursting to get free. Ahhhh, good times.
^ OUTFITS! It’s all about clothing, really. Putting things on … taking things off … ok fine I admit it’s just Barbie dolls for me really.

^ … no comment. Although I’m sure Freud would have a few comments.
^ some cool scenery to play with 🙂

Amazing what a difference lighting makes to a scene.

Anyway, it’s Sunday! Whether you are naked in space or fully clothed in a church pew, have a lovely day, everyone!

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