The very productive comic development …

OK, fine, I admit it. After months of putting it off, I have well and truly got cracking with Lithium comic #10, and I can already say … holy shitballs it is going to be *quite* the comic! Hahaha, aahhhhh. I’ve already done 50 pages, and after so long procrastinating it’s been a great few days of knocking these badboys out the park. Don’t get too excited – we’re not quite a third of the way there yet, but hooeee, yessir, it’s going to be *checks notes* absolute … bloody … mayhem. In fact that might be the title of the comic. Let’s face it I’ve used less sensible titles in the past …


Homework: as I wrote Lithium to fit within the SpaceTrekFleetWars comic universe, if you haven’t read that series, it might be worth checking it out – it’s freely available online. Oh there’s also references in Lithium #10 to … wait, I was going to list stuff, but basically that’s pointless because there’s references to absolutely everything. It is absolute bloody mayhem. Definite comic title contender, that.

Anyway, here’s a question – in the Old Testament, the Angel of Death goes around and slaughters loads of ‘firstborn’ kids. How can God be good if they allow/demand that kind of thing? Not sure I understand that one, seems to be at odds with the rest of that whole book. Maybe it’s supposed to be allegorical. Hmm. Even if it’s just a symbolic description of ‘wrath’ when the reality was a group of Pharoah-hating ninjas went round and did the deed, it does seem odd for a loving God to bring life into the world and then take it away just to prove a point, I’d have thought an almighty redeemer would be a bit more wise? Maybe they’re teaching the people and everything. Hmm. Answers on a postcard.

Only asking because Angel of Death is a relevant topic. See picture above.

It is going to be a good comic. Oh yes. I can feel it already. Eeeee!

The ideas! Aaaaahhhhh!!!

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