Here’s a picture of some naked people with guns. 

I’m sitting in a trendy cafe working on the comic AS WE SPEAK. Now, I know it’s a trendy cafe because I’m surrounded by bubbly, noisy people wearing lots of crochet and pastels and I know I’m aaaalmost trendy because I’m wearing something very flowery indeed and flowery patterns were in faaaairly recently so it’s not like I’m so far behind trend that anyone would notice or care.

Sure, I have imposter syndrome no matter where I’m sitting … even if I’m sitting with a group of wonderful friends at an event I have done the legwork on, and people have chosen to attend – even then I have the occasional touch of the imposter. So I can only conclude it’s pretty human to feel out of place in most contexts. There’s something ‘itchy’ about being human, isn’t there? Something not-quite-righty, something not-quite peacefulish. So there we are; though it does seem to be calming down as I get older, so that’s nice. One of the great mysteries of the world, something everyone from Plato to CS Lewis have commented on.

And yes, sure, working on a sex comic amongst the general public isn’t an amazing idea – but I haven’t been caught yet, and nobody can see my screen. Probably. Unless that cctv camera up to my right has an amazing zoom on it. But … those things tend to be super wide-angle, right? Right.

Comic update: 108 pages done; about just over half. Final little bits to complete of the RIDICULOUS action sequences and fallout, and then it’s just sex sex sex. Not that I want to give anything away, but I don’t think that’s much of a spoiler on my comics, is it? Sex does feature fairly highly. Oh, and everyone likes tentacle sex, right? Cool, cool.

… this character development is getting a little racy, think perhaps I should finish this one at home. brb …

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