Okay okay okay okay okay wait wait wait

It turns out I’m racing through this comic and we’ve done at least half now. Which is kinda awesome, because I’ve been thinking about / delaying this one for about a year or something ridiculous (when did Lithium #9 come out?! When did I write this dang series?!?!? Yonks ago, that’s when), so it’s really rather wonderful to be ploughing through it at last! The mayhem! The finale! No it’s not the last comic in the series, don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry.

Ahhh, good times. Anyway, here (above) is a render of Steph which did not make it into the comic (she has the wrong expression given the context, needed redoing), so enjoy this little exclusive.



And here’s another render, for funsees:

^ I’ve learnt a bit from Grace, and there’s some lovely long sequences which use no words whatsoever and I think are all the more dramatic for it. Especially given the MUSIC, which you will ALL be playing along when you read this thing, right? RIGHT!

PS. Someone asked if I could put Charlie in suspenders, and originally I was against the idea, and now … I’m not promising anything, but I have been considering the scenarios coming up (ie once they get out of captivity, obviously), and suspenders miiiight actually work. So if that someone (or, frankly, anyone) would like to buy the long socks and maid outfit found on my wishlist here, that would be great! Thanks 🙂

I mean obviously Charlie is at that border between girl and woman, so suspenders (very woman-y) would need to be worn in a context which works for the younger lady, but hey I think it’s probably doable and I’m not exactly against the whole vibe! Fun!

Anyway, here’s a lighting test render of Bob wiping his brow with a bomb:

(I won’t tell you how I found that gif)

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