You know how I like to do Easter Eggs, ok? Both chocolate and nerd-reference variety. Well … this is the Scarab of Destiny. Bear with me …

Basically, rather than add a single Henchman/Trooper to a 3D scene at a time, I created this Poser file whereby a whole Fireteam is slaved to a single control cube, hidden beneath the floor. Then in order to add that cube to the Poser library as a figure, I had to have a little figure controlling the cube … ok? With me so far? 

So I chose this freaking cool Scarab Beetle, which is the master of the cube, and controls his saucy minions from beneath the floor! So I can add and move entire groups of people around the scene with just a few clicks! Genius right?


… anyway, nobody would ever know, because the scarab is always hidden under the floor, so I thought I’d just flag this little beauty. Just think of him when you’re reading the comic, working away beneath decks like some mad armoured wraith puppetmaster! Ooh … another contender for the comic title, there …

Other Easter Eggs in the upcoming comic: Vladimir Putin, Pikachu, “We’re just normal men, we’re just innocent men” (I had to, it’s the best video ever), Admiral Ackbar, Obama, and references to pretty much every other comic I have ever created.

It’s gonna be good. And by ‘good’ I mean total bloody mayhem.

60 pages done, Act 1 nearly complete – and Act 1 was always going to be the technically difficult one, because it all times with music track lyrics.

Trust the Scarab, the Scarab knows what it’s doing.

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