The Eggiest of all the Eggy Eggs

Okay, you know how I like to put film/TV and niche pop culture references in my comics, well there’s also self-referential consistency MADNESS in every comic, too. Here are the top 10 silly ones from Lithium #10 … how many did you spot?!   ^ circled in red is Skylar’s goddamn TOAST which she dropped…



Holy crapballs, I just found someone’s translated all my comics into French! Zut alors! Wowee, that’s so cool someone’s gone to all that effort, heheh awesome! So here’s some of my favourite bits, en Francais: … amazing, the French for GYEUGG is GYEUGG! Who’d have thought, huh?! Hahaha. Ahh, Baba Yaga. Damn I need to…


Lithium Lives on!

  Comic 10 was not the last in the series! HOW many TIMES do I have to tell people?!!? I’ve had this since like comic #2; people panicking saying YOU CAN’T LEAVE IT THERE!!!! Listen, sometimes when we say ‘The End’, it means the end of this chapter / this comic, okay? Ongoing series means…


Ethealdor Epilogue

Do you like sexy comics that make you warm in the crotch but somehow deeply calm?  Do you like group sex? Do you like tentacle sex? And incest? And MASSIVE great explosions?! Do you like comics so beautiful that you will uncontrollably weep with the freaking wonder of everything?!! Do you like boobies? And bottoms?…


It’s happening.

^ Barely even counts as a spoiler, but yeah there’s some new people. OK … I have completed all of the rendering for Lithium #10*. The comic will not be quite out this week I don’t think, because I still need to do all the bubbles and put like 20 pages together. But I think…


Oh deary me … again …

Okay I’ve completed over 160 pages-worth of renders; this is going to be a truly epic comic! I mean sure it’s a total shit-storm, but that doesn’t really communicate the extent to which this is a work of total madness, does it, huh? Well, let’s put it this way: the last comic (Lithium #9; 175…


Render tests

I’m ploughing along merrily, and testing lighting briefly as I zap another batch of 3D wonderment into my computer’s poor render queue, and the little machine winces noticeably at me. Don’t worry lil’ fella, it’ll all be over soon. Couple a’ weeks. Have to admit, I enjoy this phase of the comic creation process; you’ve…


*Runs in*

*panting* … *still panting* OKAY QUICK UPDATE! The [total shit] British Government is falling apart! Hoorayyyy!!!! The comic is at 140 pages complete! Hoorayyyy!! The weather is lovely and the wonder of the World is full and mysterious and BURSTING with the quiet music RN! Yesssss!!! Ah, when Boris Johnson gets 48 hours of the…


Aaaaaand … boobs.

(OK fine I couldn’t decide what to title this blog post). Anyway the comic: 120 pages done! Woop! I have to be honest; I’ve slowed down a tiny bit, having ploughed through all of the action sequences last month, there’s some actually much more complex scenes I’ve had to do more carefully this last week. …
