Aaaaaand … boobs.

(OK fine I couldn’t decide what to title this blog post). Anyway the comic: 120 pages done! Woop! I have to be honest; I’ve slowed down a tiny bit, having ploughed through all of the action sequences last month, there’s some actually much more complex scenes I’ve had to do more carefully this last week. 

Lithium #10 is going to be an interesting one – there’s plenty of nudity, but the first half is almost all plot – which judging by the comments I’ve received over the years, is just going to be totally unbearable for some people! Mwa-ha-haaa!

Ah well, they’ll have to suffer. This is an absolute plot and Lore -fest in the first half, this one, tying up 950 loose ends and hinting closure on a million threads! Hooray! I sort of can’t believe it’s all coming together, but it does seem to be doing so, and that’s nice. Also, the nudity is rather lovely, and we haven’t really dived into the sex scenes yet. Apart from … actually, let’s not give it away.

You know what else is nice? People buying stuff from my wishlist! It’s been cleared out, thank you so much all of you, I’ll have to have a ponder if there’s anything else I want in the whole wide world, but right now nothing springs to mind, heheh. A good state to be in 🙂

About the comic release then: I still have plenty to do on it, seriously don’t hold your breath but we’re looking at a matter of some weeks rather than some months, so that’s good. I’d say check back every few weeks and we’ll get there soon enough.

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