Ethealdor Epilogue

Do you like sexy comics that make you warm in the crotch but somehow deeply calm?  Do you like group sex? Do you like tentacle sex? And incest? And MASSIVE great explosions?! Do you like comics so beautiful that you will uncontrollably weep with the freaking wonder of everything?!! Do you like boobies? And bottoms? AND WILLIES?! Do you like oral? And anal? AND MORE ANAL?!?!! And fucken COUGARS AND PEOPLE GETTING HIT IN THE FACE WITH A BOMB?! 


Do you like ADMIRAL ACKBAR’S ORGASMS????? WHY NOT THO?!?! Sure ya do. DO YOU LIKE freaking BLUE PEOPLE?!?!! DO YOU LIKE LAZERS PEW PEW AND VOMIT and FED EX and dirty talk and vaginas and even more anal sex AND AWKWARD CONVERSATIONS between people who have NO IDEA WHAT TO DO?!?!! Vulva. DO YOU LIKE SHIPPING FREIGHTERS and SNIPERS and GODDAMN SUNSETS?!?!! Erection. DO YOU LIKE CUM and BLOSSOM and SISTER SEX and  SENTIENT KATANAS  and TANKS and COPIOUS DRUG USE and Barack OBAMA and kickass discussions around GRIEF and REFERENCES TO NINTENDO 64 GAMES and FUCKING MORE ORAL SEX and gigantic goddamn SPACE ORGIES?!?!?!!

Well. Fuck. Do I have the comic for you. Out in a few days. For free. Because life is awesome. Awe. Some. 


Here’s a completely irrelevant picture:


 I know what you’re thinking: “You had me at incest boobies.”



Now I just need to figure out what the hell to put on the cover of this thing …

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