Lithium Lives on!


Comic 10 was not the last in the series! HOW many TIMES do I have to tell people?!!? I’ve had this since like comic #2; people panicking saying YOU CAN’T LEAVE IT THERE!!!!

Listen, sometimes when we say ‘The End’, it means the end of this chapter / this comic, okay? Ongoing series means ongoing series, okay? Got it? Great!

So … it’s great people love the series so much, thank you for some incredible feedback – I actually legit teared up at one comment someone sent, so thank you it is very much appreciated.

A few people say they hate my comics, so let’s just reply to them en masse, shall we?

General catch-all comment for the trolls:

It seems the trolls do seem to leave their feedback before anyone else, suggesting they’re the ones obsessively spending their time desperate for the next comic, so … you know. The nasty words and mean things aren’t fooling anyone; especially when the vocabulary matches previous rants about ‘never reading my comics again’ … when clearly you do. I’m sure if you saw me in the playground, you’d probably try and push me down, pull my hair etc etc. So … look, I appreciate things aren’t going well for you right now, that’s pretty clear. But believe it or not, we have all been there in one way or another, and you can make some changes and some choices and you can root out those toxic values that have led you into dark, isolated paths. But heck what do I know?!?! Hahahahah. Ahhhhh. Good times.

Eahhhh, good stuff, good stuff.

Next comic: they’ll no doubt get Skylar back home and have to figure out how to be … you know … the three of them. Ahem. And also I didn’t manage to crowbar the new stockings scene into #10 after all, so we can’t leave them out. Also, I want to know what happens to Karen. And what Mike’s mission is. And whether Skylar actually shifted a planet ‘a little bit’ … I mean surely these things all have consequences, right? Eahhhhh, good stuff. 

K … Keanu.


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