Oh deary me … again …

Okay I’ve completed over 160 pages-worth of renders; this is going to be a truly epic comic! I mean sure it’s a total shit-storm, but that doesn’t really communicate the extent to which this is a work of total madness, does it, huh?

Well, let’s put it this way: the last comic (Lithium ; 175 pages) took 21 scene files and 2.1GB of data to achieve. This comic (Lithium ) has so far taken 62 scenes and 9.8GB of data! SIXTY TWO SCENES. FIVE TIMES THE DATA. Am I completely mad?! Guess this explains why I put it off for so many months; it was always going to be a mammoth technical undertaking, to turn my dreams into reality haha! Ah well, we’re basically there … only ONE MORE scene to render out, and … even that one’s a corker, gotta be honest.


There we are.

Must be time for some gifs …

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