*Runs in*

*panting* … *still panting* OKAY QUICK UPDATE! The [total shit] British Government is falling apart! Hoorayyyy!!!! The comic is at 140 pages complete! Hoorayyyy!! The weather is lovely and the wonder of the World is full and mysterious and BURSTING with the quiet music RN! Yesssss!!!

Ah, when Boris Johnson gets 48 hours of the political equivalent of being urinated on from a great height, every six minutes, by everyone he’s ever lied to / stabbed in the back (ie everyone), life does feel somehow more brilliant, doesn’t it, eh? Only risk now is they’ll replace him with yet another animated ham and we’ll just pass onto the next would-be dictator. Good grief, it’s almost worth keeping him for another few days and forcing a General Election, eh? I mean, I’m happy either way.

*UPDATE* HE’S GONE! HAHAHAHAHA. I literally bought champagne and doughnuts this afternoon after hearing the news. Two bottles of champers, because we’re entertaining this evening and I want to guarantee a decent quantity gets inside me. Haha ahhh, being a grown-up is good craic👌

Nice. Now we just wait to see which HAUNTED MANNEQUIN is put up for attempt-at-dictatorship next, using various Constitutions like their personal pinata. Good times.

EDIT: It was Liz Tr455. Oh dear. Haunted Mannequins should stick to what they’re best at. Can we please get rid of these cunts? Many thanks.

Anyway the comic! oooahhhh the comic. Again, only check back at the blog every few weeks – I’ve done all the complex scenes and am racing through the more simple ones (ie those with fewer than 60 characters in the 3D scene …). But there’s still a little bit to go, so no gifs yet I’m afraid.

Someone asked me what my philosophy on life is – read One Human, Being – particularly the end of last comic. Or OHB 7 and 8 together. Or read between the lines in all of Lithium, particularly some of the things Charlie says around self harm. Or read Henri Nouwen, Rohr, St Hildegard De Bingen … it could probably be summed up for me as; our intrinsic value as humans cannot go up nor down, and therefore we are profoundly equal and have nothing to prove. Therefore there is no gamification of life, no ‘winning’ it, and all things are one. If there is ‘success’, it only means peace, oneness. Those who try to ‘game’ the system are by definition, the losers and in my experience tend to end up full of turmoil and sadness.

Also someone asked if they could have Lithium on PDF – yes I need to re-host that, don’t I? I will do – it’s on the to-do list – I’ll prob do it once #10 is out so I can release the lot as a package of 10.

Anyway byeeee! *Runs off farting*

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