A very, very big waste of time.

You know how sometimes you work on something and … at the time you think it’s IMPORTANT and SUBSTANTIAL and is therefore okay to ignore all other responsibilities because it is just so IMPORTANT, and that’s mostly down to you really really getting into it? I’ve basically just wasted *checks notes* … yes … yep, an entire day faffing around in Poser (the 3D app I use). From 8:10am until … ah yes, 4:46pm. Wowee. That’s quite the day, there.

Imagine that. Actually, thinking about it, people waste days all the time, don’t they? There’s something quite nice and un-winding-y about wasting time like that, especially when you’re normally fairly productive. Quite nice to totally shit a day up the wall, for no reason whatsoever. Okay, maybe not completely no reason – I’ve been doing IMPORTANT things in Poser, after all. And we all know what that means.


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