
 Ah, the human body eh? Here one day, gone the next. VERY here some days, and if you’re anything like me, pretty much a stack of crap the next. It can do amazing things, and … anyway, I digress. Orgasms though … hold on, I’m still digressing. Ahem. Hoohhh.

I’ve been putting together the apartment, ready for our next Lithium comic and our great hero’s return (… including apples on the floor and the still-broken table leg and chipped tv screen and all the other tiny unimportant details most non-obsessive comic creators would surely not give two shits about, but that somehow infest my crazy brain …), and thought I’d pop in a few Charlies. For a lighting test. No other reason.

So … … … on the … on the left is the absolutely all-original Charlie – this one was in Comic #1 wearing her big ugly jumper, then when we started to see her shape through her dress-up outfits, I increased her boob size a tiny bit as I changed my mind about the character’s story. So this is technically Original Charlie’s first ever proper airing. By Comic #2, her body was changing a little more, as bodies do. By the hangover in Comic #4, her boobs and hips are bigger still, having done a massive and uncomfortable grow within the space of a few days, poor girl. And yes, before you ask, Jack has been changing a little as well, it’s just not as obvious with him.

And no, you cannot ‘vote’ for your favourite boob size or argue that I should make you a comic to suit your particular chesty whims. Charlie is a real person and she’s going through some stuff, okay? Leave the poor young woman alone.

Anyway, then in comics #6-10, her boobicles calm down a little (this is even discussed in Comic #8), and the Charlie pictured on the right (above), is the most contemporary, slightly-less-puppy-fat (not that she had any fat, but you know; you can tell in the smiles when she’s wearing the blue dress in Comic #1; she’s very girlish there), body’s-found-its-natural-balance, young-womanly Charlie from the most recent, Comic #10. Perhaps I should add to the picture, the tits-at-maximum-warp Charlie from … ahh you know it’s this phase:

 Comic #4, the hangover, first major noticeable change:


Comic #5: max mode! Arrghhhh my titsssss!!

Chhhh … what a moment.

Anyway, there we are. Characters that actually change and grow and develop, who’d a thought it, huh? Charlie and Jack aren’t the only ones; I also think I’m getting better at lighting; re-using their apartment from comic #8, I’m very aware that the lighting really needs sorting out … and that was only 2 comics ago! Tsss, learning and developing, huh? Funny old game.

Also, boobies. Boing boing. Why not link to your favourite booby-bouncing gif in the comments?! Hooray!

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