Stop voting! Staaahppp!!

Okay okay after three short days and over fifteen hundred opinions submitted (!), here are a few things I have learnt about you wonderful people of the internet:

  • People care about pyjamas (quite right, quite right);
  • People massively prefer Tartan to Silk;
  • Boobies.

All good insights, there; thank you, everyone. Here is a picture of a blurred bottom, to celebrate. Charlie appears to have forgotten her pants, here. Oh dear, Charlie.

Aaaanyway, as usual I will be giving a few render spoilers away in the weeks leading up to the next comic release, but for now I’ll keep it secret what the winning jammies will look like. But here’s a hint: I’ve actually combined a couple of the winning designs and made them a little more subtle so they don’t detract from the … you know. Humans. Sexy, weird little humans. Yum.

Ahh, pyjamas, eh? Why are they so sexy? Probably because our first feelings of sexual realisation was while having a sleepover at someone’s house, or seeing a friend/sibling wearing just a cotton-rich sleepy thing, or snuggled up on the sofa with someone watching a family movie, or … ah, life. Awkward and weird and confusing, isn’t it?

Also: baths. 

Just a few hints as to what’ll be in the next comic, there. In fact given the direction Lithium’s going in, it’s likely to become a completely bath-and-beddybies-based comic.

Oh lordy, wait; onesies! I totally forgot someone bought me a 3D onesie last year and I turned it into a proper cute bedtime snuggly thing and then I forgot about it! Oh snap. Okay. Well. Skylar needs a onesie, right? Mmm. Cool.

Carry on, everyone. Here’s a random selection of things from this bizarre blog …



Also, someone asked about posts relating to my comics; they’re all tagged comic so you can search the tag.

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