Cover reveal …

Haven’t quite finished that dang final scene yet, but I have had a chance to race through a bunch of making the speech bubbles, and my-oh-my, there’s some silliness in this one, I can tells ya. 

See photoshop layers image, lol.

Anyway, there’s a cover preview below – the final cover of Lithium Comic #11 won’t be black and white when released, obviously, I was just messing around. Be quite cool to do a whole black and white comic sometime, though. Maybe Wizard of Oz  -style, where some sudden realisation or change in location leads the people into colour – that’d be cool. Anyway. How does one stop this constant torrent of ideas, please? It’s like my head is full of stampeding unicorns and I just watch the little beauties trotting past, enthralled and enraptured by their mad beauty. Anyway, ahem.

Quick comic update, then: my IRL stuff is going a bit crazy rn, but do not fear, I seriously think we’re talking early/midweek – I like making these comics, although I’m a bit crammed with stuff to do, making 3D comics is like a little easy task to chill my head out from the mayhem of the real world! 

So … Lithium #11, includes scenes of shampoo …

Scritchy scratchy, everyone loves a head scratch.


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