Hold the phone … shut the front door …

Okay, quick whistlestop to give an update on the upcoming comic … it is (drumroll please) … very unlikely to be this Friday after all. I know, damn. Sorry about that, but judging by the absurd stats on this free web site, a lot of people are checking a lot of times at the moment. So I thought it’d be kind to manage some expectations. Anyway …

… fap away! Don’t save it up for Friday, feel free to clear out the ol’ tubes, I say. Hahaha, eahhh … sorry. It’s nice to be coarse now and then. 

Lithium 11 will very likely be released Monday or Tuesday at this rate – long story short, something’s just come up in the real world (THE FLIPPIN REAL WORLD?!!? WHAT IS IT WITH THAT PLACE?!) that means I won’t have a chance to do the last scene justice if I rush it out for Friday. So, better to just chill everyone out and say … check back in seven days, see where we are then. Okay? Okay!

But here’s a mini spoiler to reveal the results of that huge pyjamas vote from a few weeks ago – the winners were sheep and the plain old white jammies, so I’ve combined them both to make subtle sheep! Hooray! The Tartan jammies also get an honourable cameo in the comic because they also received an unexpectedly high number of votes too! Hooray! Also if you enjoy baths and suspenders and onesies and snuggles and … anyway, I won’t give it all away. Expect the general normal sort of Lithium madness 🙂

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