The very long scene …

Okay, there’s still just one scene left, but it turns out it’s quite a long one so is taking a little longer than expected. Good news though … it is entirely possible that Lithium #11 will be out this Friday! I’d say it’s 50/50 possible this Friday. Unless more things kick off in the real world and I get delayed again, and then it’s gonna be early next week, but … yeah. Not long either way! Wahoo!

Also, I took the time over the last few days to read through all of Lithium, see if #11 fits nicely, and … yep! Didn’t expect to be laughing out loud at so many bits (especially Lithium #10, my goodness!), but yeah, there we are, hehehh.

Ahh, laughing at your own stupid jokes, eh? Is that narcissism or just silliness? Good times though, I’d forgotten the conversation at the beginning of Lithium #9, about superhero names – love that kinda nonsense dozing bedtime conversation, they’re the best. And the toast guy gets funnier if you read the comics through in one sitting, have to figure out a way to get him into some more comics. And Karen fapping in the elevator and then them getting interrupted while kissing, ah, so silly. And Lithium #8 does well considering everything was building up to the behemoth #7 – there’s some gags in #8 that really caught me by surprise … Hail fellow pupil, how go your studies? You punch like Mozart! And then Charlie squirting on the floor immediately followed by Mike mopping the floor and saying “Aaaaand … we’re done”. And it just keeps going on and on and on … You want me to burst her? No I do not want you to burst my mother … so much silliness it’s ridiculous! Who writes this crap haha?!

Someone filled out my feedback form and effectively said they were clever because they spotted the ‘one’ Vladimir Putin reference in comic #10. Dude, there’s like three or four references in there to him. ‘Special Military Operation’, hawks vs doves philosophy, long desk, accusing people who stand up to her of being woke … there’s four references without even checking through the comic.

But there we are, who cares, eh? She’s Putin, she’s Trump, she’s Boris J, she’s any would-be dictator who doesn’t give a shit about human beings and is ‘gaming’ their reality to try and achieve some sense of inner peace, no matter who [else] has to suffer. Good luck, dickheads!

Anyway, here are some lighting test renders … much more fun …

… for science.

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