Too … much … sexy …. hrrrnggggg

I spent most of the day in a delightful market town that confused me greatly. You know the sort of place that blends intriguingly beautiful narrow Tudor side-streets with totally crap mouldy nineties architecture and abandoned shopping trolleys? Like four hundred years ago this was a bustling mecca, and since then it’s pretty much all been downhill.

Anyway, not to worry, I sat in a cooffee shop (/slash bookshop combination, always good), and worked on Lithium Comic #11! Hooray! We are up to 40 pages complete! Much more straightforward than #10, this one; just a few rooms, a few characters and not a space battle in sight?! Phewph! This is easy!

So little update, the image above is pretty much the least sexy render I’ve done so far, it’s literally about the only thing I can share without giving spoilers away, so there we are. A boob. A hand. A pointing finger. All good so far.

Anyway, how’ve you all been? Everyone’s read Pet Elf, right? Great comic, that. I like to weave references into my own comics, not sure if that whole bath scene is going to be in this one though; despite the image above, there isn’t really the setup for Jack to bathe Skylar yet, but we’ll get there, no doubt. One day. And in the meantime … yum. 

So there we are; 40 pages done, already some decent chuckles, some yummy sex scenes, and even an EXTREMELY solid in-joke reference to something that goes unexplained in a previous comic! So we’re on usual SAJ form, then heheh. Ah, lovely. Perfect way to spice up a delapidated Tudor coffee shop, this. If you want a spoiler, I’ll upload a few pics to my Deviantart account, but don’t go there if you want to avoid spoilers 🙂

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