Um … l almost an entire comic …

I don’t know if you know this, but I occasionally make erotic comics. I know, I know, big news. Anyway, oh snap, I’ve been racing through Lithium comic #11, and there’s … hold on … only one [ish] scene to go?! WHAT!? THE PREVIOUS LITHIUM TOOK ME A WHOLE YEAR?!?!! WHAT

In fact we’re so near the end on this thing that I can actually start using stupid gifs as per tradition … HHRRRHRHRHNNNGGGG … 



So the next comic is gonna be much shorter than the ridiculous Lithium #10, but then so are most of the other Lithiums; it’s near that good comic length that I aim for (ie comfortably over 50 pages), and it’s going to include … the greatest bath-based scene yet (and no I’m not talking about the spoiler I put on Deviantart, that’s nothing), some really stupid gags about metaphors, some sweeties-based horniness, a nice bit of meta-narrative that is both extremely silly and deeply serious, and … ahh, well, you can wait. I”m taking my time with Skylar though so don’t expect the usual sex comic “Hey you wanna hump?” – “Okay then!” – although that would literally work with Skylar, I’m still gonna build it up a bit because narrative. None of that counts as spoilers, btw, there’s a lot going on. As always. Maximalism, eh? Someone asked what the next project’d be after Lithium’s complete … not sure! I have a zillion ideas, maybe nothing will happen, who knows. Perhaps it’s time to think about wrapping up the Sindy files and head off on another path, eh?

Anyway, enough of that; check back! I still have like a scene and a half to build, and then I need to do the speech bubbles and stuff, but we’re looking at a matter of weeks.

Also, people asked about Pet Elf (sorry for delay responding to comments; I try really hard but am having trouble logging into Disqus at the mo, it’s being weird with proxies blah blah – will respond to all comments asap) – PET ELF is here, it’s not mind-blowingly incredible (sorry Josh), it’s just I really liked the scale/characters/bath scenario, is all. If I was gonna re-do it though, I’d replace the script, because it is a little derogatory to women and I personally don’t agree with that whole women-are-usable-objects thing. I realise it’s just a super common kink, but that mentality does lead people into very dark and lonely places, and so I personally think it’s pretty problematic. I mean real-world incest isn’t exactly sparkly happytime either, sure, sure, but if everyone’s at least treated as equals that does go a long way to a more awesome world, IMO.

I could probably say the same for 90% of the porn out there (ie it dishonours women …), and the likelihood is that Josh the author has moved on / realised the issues with this stuff by now, so no worries. In fact if you’re reading this Josh (stranger things have happened) and would like to discuss / shout at me, this is my email, do get in touch. Heck maybe we could collaborate! Eahh, good times.

On the plus side, I’m still flagging it as an example of a comic that gave me the horn, haha! Very lovely in many ways. 

Sorry my mind’s a bit all over the place at the mo, it’s probably cos we’ve lost our dear ol’ Queen, gawd bless ‘er. Lots I could say about that, I am on balance pro-royal, though I am also deeply in love with many communities of wonderful human beings who despise the very idea of monarchy … but I’m sure everyone around the world is a bit sick of discussions on this topic rn, so maybe I’ll leave any further discussion. 

The Queen is dead, let’s send good vibes to the King, no matter what you think of him, he’s got  **quite**  the job on his hands, let’s face it.


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