It’s a Christmas miracle!

YOU BOY, WHAT DAY IS THIS?!?!! Why, it’s December the 22nd, Sir/Madam/anonymous author of exceptional internet erotica! THEN I HAVEN’T MISSED IT!!!! *runs down stairs* *buys turkey* *throws turkey away because turkey is awful and dry* *buys a goose* *dry-humps Kermit* *rolls self in bacon and leaps into an oven*

WELL! A Happy Christmas indeed! After a month of being locked out of my blog/Google account, I am finally back in! IT’S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! Sorry I’ll stop SHOUTING and I didn’t answer any security questions or file for help, no – you know what I did that convinced Google I wasn’t a hacker?! I waited. That’s right hackers everywhere – Google thinks you can’t wait more than a few weeks. They obviously haven’t watched hit 90s film The Net, with Sandra Bullock, in which she spends the first half of the film eating pizza and just waiting around.

Anyway, now I’m back (and have reset my password to one of my previous passwords – another excellent security policy, Google … ahem) I can blog away to my heart’s content!

And what is it that needs blogging about? That’s right – Christmas / holidays / love in general! Whatever your family / chosen family / [non/] religious / community / solo setup this year, I hope you have some good time off, some wonderful rest and a chance to reconnect with all things cosmic and ultimate. And chocolate and alcohol and tiramisu and whatever else it is that tells your tummy that you are worth a few good treats now and then. Because you very definitely are!

Comic update: still haven’t written the final bits of Lithium, so don’t hold your breath on that one, but don’t worry it will happen sometime. And I may or may not be busy working on a completely non-series major side project that I may or may not release into the wild one day, and it will be such a huge and epic single-comic piece of work that I may or may not release it anonymously as there’s something beautifully artistic and silly about doing it that way. Again, don’t hold your breath, I’ll make it obvious when it’s done, in one of my usual not-so-subtle ways.


Anyway, here’s me getting ready for Christmas:

Ho ho ho! Happy Christmas (/holidays) one and all!

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