Sitting up.

Okay look, it’s January, people keep going on about joining a gym and losing weight and blah blah, but I figure the older I get the less fit I’ll be and the less effort I’m planning on putting in, so something’s got to give. So that’s right, Charlie’s going to do my exercise for me….


Great news, everyone!

Okay fine, Lithium #12 won’t be the last comic in that series. FINE! I’ve been thinking about it, and reading my notes for wrapping it all up, and I think if I kept it within a single comic it’d be near 300 pages to do it justice, which is just silly and would take like…


The famous 24 hour comic

Okay listen, OH WAIT Happy new year etc etc! If you made it this far, collect five ‘cool’ points. <insert worst gif ever /> Sorry for not writing anything for ages but you know, life does that thing sometimes, doesn’t it? And if I’m honest, I genuinely think the next Lithium is going to be…
