Artificially … intelli … integil … inbred … inelegant

As you may have noticed, AI images have flooded the interweb with some genuinely incredible outputs – so I thought I’d combine my skills of storytelling and laziness, and have a go myself – you never know we may be able to churn out sexy comics by the metric buttload! Yayyyy!

Here’s Sam Fox and Nic Cage, as ‘visioned’ (no, it’s not a word, never was) by an AI. Um … yeah … maybe not … 




^ phwoar, that’s … that’s … wait what is that. Oh my God.

Fetch the flamethrower, Colin …


^ ‘An image of Jack’s sister’. Well. Could be worse.
^ “A high resolution photo of Sindy Anna Jones” – omg that’s actually uncanny!
Fake plastic tits and eye whites inside my irises and no molars and Amy Winehouse barnet and everything 👌 . Spot-on for once.

^ Nic cage again. My eyes. Why Nic, why? And what are you doing to Sam Fox’s leg, man? You’ll be thrown out of the Shell service station at this rate, Nic. You’ll have to get your fuel elsewhere.

^ ‘Jailbait sister motel sexytimes’. Nope. And who designed that bed, an amputee? Oh wait, judging by her left arm and right leg … yes.
^ ‘incest comic’ – I mean … wait what? Maybe if you really squint. And make up the story yourself. And have a thing for shaved monkeys and talking pillows.
So anyway, those are my attempts at AI. I’ve obviously missed the method somewhere, so there we are for now. Let’s revisit it in a while, eh? Who knows, by this time next year, we’ll probably have no need for individually handmade sexy web comics or human stories of any sort, and we’ll all be addicted to auto-fed sex algorithms pushing sexy curvy thoughts straight into our bloated, barren old brain tissues! Yeayyy!!
(I mean … before you go, it’s worth looking again at that first image; I laughed for maybe a whole minute when that came out, so it wasn’t a totally wasted experiment  😂)

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