Great news, everyone!

Okay fine, Lithium won’t be the last comic in that series. FINE! I’ve been thinking about it, and reading my notes for wrapping it all up, and I think if I kept it within a single comic it’d be near 300 pages to do it justice, which is just silly and would take like 5 months to release.

So let’s just chill out and release them in normal, porky, juicy little nuggets instead, shall we? Yes, we shall. Comics and shall live! Hooray! In fact I might make a really short / no sex-scenes kinda one, just to annoy everybody. Jokes, obviously it will be sexy as all heck.

So I’m going to pop off and start writing the full bits of and get that ball rolling. So everybody do a little dance in the meantime …

And slow those exercises down a bit …

(there was gonna be another exercise one but the boob wobble is not quite right so check back next week for that little beaut … )

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