Quick shout-out for content for the next comic, please

Okay look, I haven’t asked for anything 3D for a long time, but I’m just starting to put together the scenery for the next two comics, and there are a few 3D things I will definitely need.

So … if you enjoy my comics and would like to help out by buying me a 3d scene or two (and you can afford it … NAMING NO NAMES, AHEM, MR BORIS JOHNSON … you’re not exactly BUSY, MATE and we ALL KNOW how much you LOVE MY COMICS!)  – that would be amazing! My wishlist is here: https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/wishlist/?uid=946092 – most of the essential items I needed have been bought now (THANK YOU GENEROUS PEOPLE!!!), but if there is something you fancy buying, that would be cooool.

Thank you!

PS. if you’ve bought 3D stuff for me in the past and haven’t seen it in a comic yet – as mentioned before, I’m playing with other ides and stuff all the time, so the chances are you will see it in an upcoming comic somewhere, it just might take a year or so before it gets released into the wild. Either way, I definitely appreciate and make good use of every 3D item that is bought for me, so thank you to everyone who has helped out 🙂

(We’ll see the scene below in comic , for example; someone bought me that years ago)

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