The famous 24 hour comic

Okay listen, OH WAIT Happy new year etc etc! If you made it this far, collect five ‘cool’ points. <insert worst gif ever /> Sorry for not writing anything for ages but you know, life does that thing sometimes, doesn’t it? And if I’m honest, I genuinely think the next Lithium is going to be the last one [of that series] so I think I’m procrastinating on purpose because I sort of don’t want Lithium to end. Except it can and will and must, which is a semi-bummer but also amazing because I’m really proud of the series, but that’s a story for another day, as is this terrible test gif 🥰

ANYWAY LISTEN, what Iw as going to say to begin with, before I had another swig of champagne (long story but here we are, you can tell, can’t you? I can although my spelling is still okay so I’m obviously not that deep into the alcohol-fuelled mayhem of a *checks phone* THURSDAY) [I can what? No idea where that was going, bear with me], I’ve come up with a new format for a plot/comic that means I can make the bastard in 24 hours! I know I know; Golden Globes and Baftas await.

So 24 hours as in; I come up with a comic plot, write it, set up the scenes and let it render overnight, then the second ‘day’ is just laying out the pages with the text. Comic would be like 20 pages so pretty short, but punchy. And I know this can be done because I’VE JUST FRICKEN DONE IT!!! This week. Done. Comic minted. Not Lithium, don’t worry, that’s more a quality item; this is more your high volume low quality concept.

Which for someone with a history of two-month comics, is kinda cool. I know I’ll always prefer to get into 150+ page comics, and the full proper stories and proper believable humans and stuff, but I’ve always wanted to try the punchy BAM! kinda erotic comic thing. Oh, is that a penis? Hey let’s sit on it! < that sort of plot never appealed to me, because real life isn’t like that, and real life is outrageously sexy! But I have kinda found a way to super-shortenize my general process. Anyway so I’ve done one.

I’m not saying I’m going to release a new comic every few days – no, that would be silly. I’m just saying BAM! POW! Now I need to figure out what I’m going to do with it because, if you know me in real life, you will know I squirt new ideas out of my head every 6 to 10 seconds, and the problem is the sheer flurry of plots, storylines, fantasies and … okay filth, sure. The problem is not having ideas, it’s knowing what to do with them.

So good news! And as is always the case in life … bad news as well! Good news is I’ve got shit-tons of completely new stories and comics and ideas and content ALREADY made (it’s not just this 24 hour thing), the bad news is I probably won’t release them for a while, at least until I’ve completed Lithium and drawn a line under the whole Sindy Anna Jones shenanigan.

And what a shenanigan it has been, and continues to be! Pretty sure I’m going to re-release the OHB series with alternative covers at some point, because I’m proud of that badboy too. But for now, a very Happy New year to one and all, and when those January days seem a little dark and windy, remember … champagne exists for a reason. God bless us, everyone!

Damn wait a minute, that gif isn’t too bad … wait til I slow it right down, improve the keyframe animation tenfold and render it properly …


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