A new home.

Okay, huge news which is inconvenient but I do agree with their decision – Google are phasing out easily accessible adult sites. So I’m going to have to find a new home for this blog. Bummer. 

So Google have turned on a savage age verification system which means you have to (1) have a G account to even try and see the blog, and (2) you then need to use credit card verification. Maybe it’s just for proxy browsers, but hey that counts me out, and no way am I giving the big G my credit card number, lol.

So … yeah. For those who get in and read this, I’m going to need to find a new blog home – (it’s Deviantart for now, but I don’t really like Deviantart so that’s not a long-term option), but you might need to just search for ‘Sindy Anna Jones comic blog’ – it might take a few weeks but my new home will turn up in searches eventually. And you’ll know it’s me because … well … you know. I’m a bit weird, let’s face it. Plus I’ll be able to provide the rendered version of this sexy wireframe: 

One last thing for this old blog: thank you. To everyone, for being you, for being wonderful; for supporting me in my booby endeavors in various ways. You people have made this possible by giving extraordinary messages of help or feedback or general adoration. Messages of love and stories of lives and opinions changed by my works, messages of vulnerability, or grace, or … anyway it has all been much appreciated. 

I write my stories because they somehow seem to help me (I’ve certainly changed and learnt a lot about myself in the process) – but to do that with a bunch of people along for the ride has made it a million times more enjoyable than it would’ve been otherwise. It’s a shame to move away from Blogger because this has been a wholesome, kind community of people and commenters for a few years now.

But things must change, and death is a part of life. The trees know this, the leaves and the grass all know this, and I’d like to get better at learning it myself. And as I learn to be less and less afraid of death, perhaps I will learn to be more present in life, with all its little changes. So perhaps moving blog is not the biggest issue in the world!


(I’m still making comics, don’t worry.)

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