Haha breast physics hahaha

Okay! So I still haven’t sorted all the comic/downloads links on that page of the website, but I did add all the ‘social’ buttons to the top left of the website – and as youtube was an option I added my random youtube channel and hahahahahaaa I’d totally forgotten I’d done some booby physics ‘tutorial’…


Symbolism, wooOOooOOoooo …

I have this sort-of-policy where I don’t put too much thought into my stories. Know what I mean? Like if you force it, it doesn’t work as well. I think things are best when they’re more seat-of-the-pants because then your subconscious brings more gems from the depths of creation rather than you trying to control…



Just thought I’d pop in and say hello HELLO. In the picture above, Jack is helping Skylar with something. And yes, the door is breaking, click-click CRACK goes the poor door frame but don’t worry, for it uses futuristic safety glass and nothing can break that stuff, no not even young Jack’s thrusty efforts. New…


Free comic: The Adventures of Madiy and Crash

It’s heeeeere!!! Okay it’s only a very short comic, and it’s not Lithium so calm down but HECK it’s FREE!!!!!?!1!?!?!?!one!!11!!!!eleven!!!1!!!! Join our TRUSTY space adventurers MADIY and CRASH as they DELVE into the VERY DEPTHS of the terrifying ZYLON EMPIRE and accidentally DO naked STUFF, and ENJOY a cheeky SURPRISE ENDING yeayyyy!!!! Comic 1: Trapped…


New comic released tomorrow!

Who likes free? Who likes comics? Who likes FREE COMICS wahoooo!!!! Well, that’s three wishes in one, but okay if you insist. I’m going to release a silly little tongue-in-cheek mini space adventure comic early morning tomorrow! Hooray! Okay, no it’s not the next Lithium, but it does have … you know. Boobies. I mean…


Comic update …

  Happy Friday everyone! Here are two bits of good news (I mean aside from the existence of this whole new website thingy! Welcome!); [1] I’m nearing the last couple of scenes for Lithium #12, so if you feel like you’ve waited a looong time for it then well done you! I’m super busy with…


The big blog swap

  OKAY! So it looks from the stats of this blog like a good number of people can still get in (you’re obviously playing Google’s game; well done you for being patient). So I’m just popping in to give an update here; an extremely kind fan has offered to build and host a Sindy Anna…
