A New Hope! New thingy!! Website thingy!!!

HELLO EVERYONE! Not you, Google. Welcome to this blog – it’s not quite snazzified yet but I’m going to build it like Zeuss’s undercrackers and fill it with ladysperm I MEAN QUALITY CONTENT, woop wooooooooop!


Big shoutout to the extremely wonderful fan who bought and set this site up for me! Thank you! Especially thank you as you did it [checks notes] at least five times hahaha, eahhhh auto site builders eh? Classic stuff.

As you may know I firmly believe that humans are brilliant … but it’s also nice to be reminded of their kindness now and then πŸ™‚

I’ll try and resurrect the Disqus comments from blogger too, and ideally will offer both discus and WP comments so there’s no limit on people being able to engage πŸ™‚


Not you, Google.

28 thoughts on “A New Hope! New thingy!! Website thingy!!!

  1. Hello and welcome back! Since this blog is built on WordPress, you may also want to consider adding the ActivityPub plugin too, that would allow people to follow you from Mastodon and other Fediverse platforms, and comment on your blog from there too.

  2. Congrats on the website and the big steps to your independence. Nothing else like you on the web (or probably in the universe, too).

  3. Are you still planning to out your work up on e-hentai and the like? Or have you changed that model? (Haven’t seen anything there by you in quite a while.)

    1. I did that for a bit, but I”ll just keep releasing on this blog – my work gets onto e-hentai etc pretty quick anyway, so I just stopped bothering hehehh. I think if you search by Author tag on e-hentai, they’re all there. I just haven’t released a comic for a few months, is all. (Watch this space though, short non-Lithium comic coming out in the next week)

  4. Yay! Welcome to your new home! I love what you did with the place. It looks so roomy. I can’t wait for the house warming party.

    1. Yeayy me toooo! It’s just the crap default theme at the moment so the site feels a bit janky, but I’ll sort the theme and try and import all the old Disqus comments back on here too so those conversations aren’t lost. Bit o work to be done spuricing up before we open the champagne hehe

  5. Brilliant news, really happy for you (and me, natch). Another TV tip, not that you need diversions but try Extraordinary on D+, it’s British, contemporary, sexy and hilarious. Looking forward to your next creation however so don’t watch it yet…

  6. First!!1! Oh no! Everyone else is already here.

    Your first OWN site…sniff…this is so good. It’s like moving out from you parents home… hmmm… if your parents are Google, then you…. never mind.

    Good Luck!

    PS: Will upload bread and salt shortly!

  7. Yay – I just looked out of curiosity if there might be any news on your marvolous work, checked Deviant Art – and found the link to this. 😍

    Honestly, this “extremely wonderful fan”, whoever he or she is, truely deserves many thanks, hugs and even praises.
    If I may make a suggestion, maybe you could integrate this person somewhere into your next Lithium Chapter, this way somewhat immortalizing him/her?

    Apart from that, I am so glad you found your new home. Get yourself comfortable, go on as you please – and be sure to have plenty of guests as much as you’d ever like 😁

    Welcome Sindy

    1. Yeah that’s not a bad idea hehehh. I mean, not everybody wants to be written into an erotic comic, but we’ll see πŸ™‚

  8. Yes ma’am. I will not take my eyes off this space, ma’am. (Well, maybe to go pee.) Such a mitzvah, this fan did, oy.

  9. Welcome to your new home! And a hearty shout-out to our new hero(ine), the fan who set up your new home; Bless you and may God/Goddess keep you safe!

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