Comic update …


Happy Friday everyone! Here are two bits of good news (I mean aside from the existence of this whole new website thingy! Welcome!);

[1] I’m nearing the last couple of scenes for Lithium #12, so if you feel like you’ve waited a looong time for it then well done you! I’m super busy with other stuff rn so it’s taken a little while, but we are getting there – I’ll update with more gifs when we get close, as usual. And then it’ll no doubt spaff its way all over the internet as per tradition.

[2] To celebrate this new website, I’m going to release a whole non-Lithium comic THIS WEEK! Probably. Yeah, I reckon sometime in the next week would be fun. Anyway, it’s that one I mentioned a while back, the super short-form one which I knocked out in a day or two. My pen name for that is a joke in itself, so that should be … interesting. Aaaaanyway watch out 🙂


16 thoughts on “Comic update …

  1. Wow!! you must be a super hero or something getting this new site up and running and also getting , not one but two comics nearly finished.
    Really looking forward to reading both of these, I’ll say it again you are fantastic, I wish I could do all those things at once, well done.

    1. Thanks Otto, I’m just working on bloggy things rn because my workload is ridiculous and it gives me an excuse to procrastinate hehe

  2. “Watch out”…funny…still have my helmet on!
    It’s kind of amazing how you squish all that in a so short timeframe. So…Lithium, short-comic, new website.
    BTW: stress is not the result of the amount of work. It’s the result of how you position yourself when it comes to work. Don’t be mixed up with “exhaustion”. That devil is always the same.

    So congratulations on all those work done!

    CU Albert

    PS: Links on “Wishlist” are wrong (…which, by the way, showed me that I have a blog (I have a blog? Why?)…goes on the list?

    PSS: can I have a nicer commets-icon? Mine looked so angry last time. I guess it’s generated…but…so angry.

    1. Thank you! Yeah I still need to fix a lot of linkies, but wishlist and feedback links are working again, so we’re getting there …

  3. The Random Boobies Generator is pretty wonderful! Also, I’m excited to see your 1 day build comic! I’ve been wondering when/if we’d get to see it. The site is looking really great!

    1. hehe thanks! Yeah it was a wordpress theme and that boobies generator was supposed to be a [dull] category news link but I told it to randomise results and then made it that haha! I quite like it 🙂

  4. Excellent news Sindy, things are happening fast now, very exciting. Looking forward to the new instant gratification, no filter mini Moog this week. Deadlines, who needs them! x

    1. IKR?! Honestly, the more my actual workload increases, the more I fck it all off and focus on blogging and comics haha eahhhh, humans, eh?

  5. So excited! Incredible working getting 100 pages together as quickly as you did, along with whatever else you use your super powers for on a day-to-day basis.

  6. Congrats on the new digs, Sindy! Aaaand a big thanks to our, (your devoted readers’), newest hero(ine), the superb fan who provided the new site for our continued enjoyment of your works! I know your graphic novellas, (I just can’t bring myself to call them comics, the artwork is just too gorgeous), are free, but is there a way we, your devoted readers, could contribute a little helpful funding to help offset your expenses?

    1. Yeah – there’s a wishlist for 3D assets I could do with – click ‘Wishlist’ page link above for info 🙂

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