Free comic: The Adventures of Madiy and Crash

It’s heeeeere!!! Okay it’s only a very short comic, and it’s not Lithium so calm down but HECK it’s FREE!!!!!?!1!?!?!?!one!!11!!!!eleven!!!1!!!!

Join our TRUSTY space adventurers MADIY and CRASH as they DELVE into the VERY DEPTHS of the terrifying ZYLON EMPIRE and accidentally DO naked STUFF, and ENJOY a cheeky SURPRISE ENDING yeayyyy!!!!

Download it, read it, let me know what you think! Shall I even bother making more?!!?! Hahahaa, eahhhh, who knows, eh. You can comment below, or:

40 thoughts on “Free comic: The Adventures of Madiy and Crash

      1. What a lovely little afternoon tea story!
        Somehow made me imagine what Calvin, who’d come up with weird stories usually involving a T.Rex, could’ve grown up into… stuffing a Twill instead of Hobbes, ha!

      1. One word response: interesting πŸ‘
        I received the same one-word review for Lithium #10 within a few minutes of it being published. Funny, that. We often use words to try and damn others when we’ve received the word ourselves and can’t get free of it. Rohr (who was a prison chaplain for many years) puts it, “If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly transmit it.”
        So perhaps the question is not how pathetic are my comics, perhaps the question is how do we transform our pain?

        1. I wonder what damage has to happen to a person to want to insult the work of someone who has spent time creating art when it would be so much less effort just to say “Naaah, not for me” silently and move on?

          The good news is that your reply made me go back to take a look at Lithium #10 and rediscover that the orgy scene in that is one of my all-time favourites. Makes me wish I had boobies and two tadgers.

          1. Hahaha! Thanks Phartiphukborlz, yes it is a rather absurd scene, that. Entirely on-brand in a comic that is absolutely off-the-charts crazy throughout hehe. I like Bob saying “Are you controlling these leopards?” and Skylar’s like “Nobody controls leopards, Robert.” hehh.

            In terms of damage done to people, yes sadly there is a lot about. Perhaps the question for all of us, is what we do with it.

  1. Fabulous work Liz, so glad you gave up on running the country (could have gone better) and devoted yourself to putting naked people in tight spaces. Moist blue and welcoming, what could possibly go wrong. Best laugh I’ve had all week, many thanks. Do you have any exclamation marks left I wonder!

    1. πŸ˜‚ yeah I’m actually really impressed that our dear Liz picked up the CGI skillset so quickly, that must be what the Tories meant by ‘retrain for cyber’. I mean if this IS what they meant by that, then … I’m all for it.

  2. Following the horny mis-adventures of Ix and Xho in Space Tits Ding-Dong Rub-a-dub, I now have a bit of a crawl space fetish which is going to be a bit awkward if I need a CT scan. I can only hope I’ll be as sanguine as Xho when the nurse asks me if I am ok… “I’ll manage.” I am surprised that Liz Truss has found a niche so soon after tanking the UK economy and losing out to a lettuce. Who knew? Madiy & Crash – hornaciously brilliant!

    1. Heheh, thanks Keith. Yeah I don’t know what it is about crawlspaces, huh? Sorry I’ve passed on that little kink, ahem …

  3. Okay. At the end I got it. It’s a kids story!
    But sometime they have to learn how to lock a door properly with a chair πŸ˜‰
    Love how you squish so much stuff into places (I mean the scenery)! You could think this places realy exist. Compared to you, others make only sterilized scenes.
    Awesome grafics for a … “shorty”.

      1. Short question…totaly off-topic:
        WHY do I always get the same avatar/icon on my comments???
        <————- that one
        If you enhance it by 500% you can clearly see, I have… no, wait… it has an "open, penis shaped, brain head"…also…an additional "golden penis bar"…why? WHY?
        Aren't those icon supposed to be bacteria? Mine looks angry. Which everyone would be, if you had a penis head.
        Do I get mocked here? And if not, why not? Keith got a nice personal avatar! How do I get one of those?

        (Well. Never mind I had 30 minutes of free time, so I wrote this. Hmmm…still 25 minutes. I guess now I write confusing letters to my government… or… much worse… some elses government!


        BTW: Awesome live stream last night! Great fun! Was surprised you haven't announed it before. Just clicked the blinking "live now" icon on the website. Well done Sindy! Well done! πŸ˜‰

        1. Hehe thanks, yeah I think those avatars are randomly generated lil’ monster dudes – but you can override it if you have a Gravatar account (I do not), so it’s like a default thing. It probably gives you the same one every time simply because of your email address or something. Just saves us seeing a bunch of faceless/anonymous personal avatars I guess; bit bleak, that option.

          Glad you liked the Live feed – yeah I saw that was an option for this website theme I was using and I was like ‘But yeah where should that Live feed button link?!’ and then LO! the idea dawned on me. Ah yes, I can be annoying … …. … .. … perfect.


      1. Heheh. I mean no comment, firstly it’s obvious that PB is another author, and secondly LIZ TRUSS DID THIS COMIC AND EMAILED IT TO ME I WASN’T INVOLVED AT ANY STAGE don’t look into it

  4. So, so many Bob Ross quotes come to mind after reading Madiy & Crash:

    “No pressure. Just relax and watch it happen.”
    “Gotta give him a friend. Like I always say, ‘Everyone needs a friend.'”
    “The secret to doing anything is believing that you can do it.”
    “Make love to the [render].”
    “You can do anything you want to do. This is your world.”
    “Don’t forget to tell these special people in your life just how special they are to you.”

    “I like to beat the brush.”

  5. That downloaded really fast!
    A new comic! Yay! Short, sweet and to the point. Loved it. It’s great to see you’re doing well.
    Thank you!

  6. Reminds me of an situation involving Ix and her brother. Odd that I can’t recall his name. Should Liz be sued for plagiarism? I see that others have made this connection, too.

    1. I shall write her a very stern letter IMMEDIATELY! Shitting up the UK’s economy is one thing, but this is THE LAST STRAW

    1. Haha I was too lazy to create a whole space battle scene just for that one page – so I googled it and nicked someone’s work hahahaha! It’s wrong to do that, I know, but ya know … nobody’s gonna notice.

  7. You’re a god-damn genius!
    Writing something so funny and so sexy is master class.
    It is truly mind blowing.

  8. I thoroughly enjoyed this little romp and the ludicrous situations. The last part was surprising and changed the nature of the whole story; integrating itself into the overall theme of your comics. Loved it.

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