New comic released tomorrow!

Who likes free? Who likes comics? Who likes FREE COMICS wahoooo!!!! Well, that’s three wishes in one, but okay if you insist. I’m going to release a silly little tongue-in-cheek mini space adventure comic early morning tomorrow! Hooray! Okay, no it’s not the next Lithium, but it does have … you know. Boobies.

I mean it genuinely is silly [see picture], and very little. This is the 24-hour comic I mentioned a little while back – and although it could reasonably fit within the STFW comic universe I’ve been vaguely adhering to, it’s not exactly woven into the plot in any way (yet). If I decide to do more of them, I guess I could sneak in a few references here and there, maybe to hair nets or six-series synthetics or lasagna or tea with two sugars or something equally random ANYWAY I digress, tiny little comic out tomorrow, check back!

9 thoughts on “New comic released tomorrow!

  1. So glad you got out from under the yoke of the Google Overlords. They were really putting a dampener on silliness.

    Looking forward to more silly booby comics, thank yooooou!

  2. Trent Crimm, The Independent! Kidding. Just me!
    Short question though: are you sure about naming the “STFW comic universe” thing?
    I mean…hey… doesn’t STFW mean “Search the fucking web”?
    When it’s “The Lithium Comic” based, you could call it “TLC Universe” (come on…”TLC – Waterfalls” is conde for 12 years now).
    Or SAJ Comic Universe (Sindy Anna Jones Comic Universe)… . SAJOC?
    Okay that would sound like a military command center. Never mind… .

    I’m tuned in for tomorrow! (You had me at “Boobies”).


  3. Totally loving your new home, SAJ! (Big thanks to the kindly fan responsible.)
    And super excited by the imminent 24-hour comic drop. Hurrah!

  4. What happened to my claustrophobia? Suddenly I just love cramped places as tight passages … wow. 🥰

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