
Just thought I’d pop in and say hello HELLO. In the picture above, Jack is helping Skylar with something. And yes, the door is breaking, click-click CRACK goes the poor door frame but don’t worry, for it uses futuristic safety glass and nothing can break that stuff, no not even young Jack’s thrusty efforts.

New Lithium out soonish 🙂

20 thoughts on “Railed

    1. Oh Sindy, you’ve been missed.
      Loved the new comic, sexy and funny, love it.
      Hope we finally see the threesome we all want in Lithium 12.
      Keep it coming.
      Ps.. boobies ❤

      1. i am sorry. it surely seems to be her, actually.
        i made the wrong conclusion, watching and reading about jack before and then couldn’t figure out anybody else. LOL my brain farted hard there.

        1. Ah don’t worry about it, it’s too much of a close-up to tell. I love the phrase brain fart haha! Gotta get that into a comic sometime …

        2. Well… maybe not really a brain fart. SAJ hinted in an earlier comic that Jack and Charlie are the same 3d model anyway, just with different “accessories” lol.

          1. Yeah that’s true. There’s very little differences if you discount the normal geometric gender scales (hips, shoulders, bit of skeletal stuff). I’m pretty sure I literally used the same textures, just left a little eyeshadow on Charlie hehe

    1. Yes it’s strange that, isn’t it? One of the most amazing, whole-point-of-why-we’re-doin-this, about sex is the intimacy, and yet it seems to be missing from like 95% of porn in general. Ah well.

      1. Ive come to the age where I despair at porn, I prefer sex scenes and back story for exactly that reason, intimacy.
        Is that what we all really want?

        1. In a word … yes. Honestly that’s my opinion, intimacy is wired at a seriously deep level in us, like our sense of justice. We crave both when they’re missing, and we seem to find ways to fake them that don’t quite hit the mark, too. Not only do they not hit the mark, but our methods seem to exacerbate the problem.
          But we know that’s my opinion cos I did a comic about it … (OHB 6) https://sindyannajones.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/03/Screenshot-2023-03-27-at-08.55.35.png

          1. Wow, profound.
            You’re a talented writer Sindy. I dont think you appreciate how talented. Reminds me of the movie Fight Club. You watch it first time,miss all the hidden meaning, then after the bombshell ending, have to watch it agsin with an open mind.
            Just saying,i love your work on here,but uourpotential goes waaaaaay beyond erotic comic fiction. Just saying

        2. Hold my beer…. .
          So, the lag of story is almost a running gag and it all comes down to this one single clip of german porn. You can find it here:

          They really try hard with the story…but it comes down to this dialog:
          She: “This is the power box we always have problems with. If you might have a look.”
          He: “Sure, sure. But why is there straw lying around here?”
          She: “And why to you wear a mask?”
          He: “Hmm. Yeah. So why don’t you give me a blowjob?”

          17 seconds! End of storyline. Great! Very efficient!

          But at this point you have no reason to care about the actors or the action anymore, as it trigers no emotion. So…. yeah.

          Storyline and emotions wanted!

          And that’s where Sindy get’s involved… (slide the mic over)

          1. Hehe thanks all, it sounds like we agree 👍
            Albert – yeah, small wonder many young people are terrified of sex, when 90% of porn seems to be made by people who can’t handle proper relationships themselves, so it’s all consumer domination crap, the uncreative out-working of the very choices that got them there in the first place.
            Dave – thanks dude, I think probably writers like me are like anyone else really, we’ve likely just been through a specific [life-changing] thing and through that have chosen that difficult path of our own transformation and then all the stories we write are just our own stories on some level. There’s nothing unusually special about it I don’t think, but I’ll take the compliments hehe 🙂

  1. Jack is always so helpful, what a nice boy. Still it seems to pay off big time. Did you have to suffer braces at some point in your raucous youth per chance. Love the expressions, keep it up cowgirl!

    1. Hehe thanks MJ, but in answer to your question, no! I never had braces, but my first kiss was with someone who had braces and they were so cuuuttteeee squeeeee!!! Keep the guesses coming though, they’re actually helpful observations because I don’t always notice, (eg when you said I obviously had a thing about baths or water – that did get me thinking, that one hehehh).

  2. Does anyone ever mention “Embrace”? I see tons of comments on “Lithium”, OH,B, and STFW, but nothing is ever mentioned about one of the most touching stories I have ever read! Maybe folks think of it as an epilogue to STFW, but I love the story as a stand alone! P.S. I absolutely adore your work! A modern day Aesop, complete with relevant tips to become a better person, and help others to become better people!

    1. Sorry Fred, I’m not sure which comic you mean? I don’t think I’ve ever made one called Embrace – do you mean Grace? Or if you mean the one that is an epilogue to STFW then that would be Telepathic Hentai Tentacle Spacey Rapery Sex Trek 9000 – what happens in the story ‘Embrace’?
      Thanks though – glad you like my stories heheh. I’m happy to be compared to Aesop 🙂

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