A damn fine team …

Madiy and Crash! New comic out early next week! Renders are all done, bleubies are all ready, thingies and adventures and exclamation marks are all set and raring to gooooo!!!!! LET’S HOPE THERE ISN’T SOME SORT OF AWKWARD SUBTEXT GOING ON HERE EH flip knows what could REALLY BE GOING ON AAARGHHHH. So tune in…



As you may know, I wrote 95% of the Lithium series in one sitting a few years back, and I’ve been working through producing the actual comics every few months. Well, today I took some time out from my not-very-busy work (hey it’s Easter, everyone’s porking chocolate), and FINISHED writing Lithium! 100%. Wahoo! Well. Honestly,…


Fresh worlds and new dreams

Thanks everyone for kind comments about the recent Lithium comic, I’m glad people liked it! Someone said that final page (William Bartock’s Yee haa) was like a horror story, haha! It’s a fair point, not sure what the future holds for that cheeky little bugger, lol. Although … Skylar did introduce that doll as “A…
