A whole comic universe, on the head of a pin

Stuck for something to do this weekend? Well, can I interest you in an entire comic universe?! Excellent.

This is just a heads-up, as a few people have asked about how to download my comics … I finally got round to updating the 🤌💋 Comics & Downloads page this week, so it’s worth having a look there. You’ll notice I decided to link to all the comics in the STFW universe, including ones that aren’t mine. I figured, heck, might as well shout about them all.

So I’ve linked to the authors where possible – do check out their websites. Especially the author of Madiy and Crash, that author could do with some love and hugs, I think. Ahem. AHEM.

That’s it! Hope your weekend’s going well! Wheeeeeeee!

(How is this a comic universe on the head of a pin? Well I figure you could download all the comics and they’d still fit on solid state storage that’d be about the size of a pinhead, so … that’s it then, we live in the future. Just worth reminding ourselves now and then.)

4 thoughts on “A whole comic universe, on the head of a pin

  1. With a link like this, why is Sylvester taking a snooze on the sofa? Lazy pussy! Oh, perhaps he can’t read, but surely the pictures would entice him.

  2. Oof! I popped to her website and boy, does the the author of Madiy and Crash need some affection. I simply can’t believe how misunderstood she is. I know it’s objectifying but every time she is mentioned, I can’t help thinking of her naked, wearing an S&M studded dog collar. She’s so talented, capable and sensual.

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