
As you may know, I wrote 95% of the Lithium series in one sitting a few years back, and I’ve been working through producing the actual comics every few months. Well, today I took some time out from my not-very-busy work (hey it’s Easter, everyone’s porking chocolate), and FINISHED writing Lithium! 100%. Wahoo!

Well. Honestly, I’m glad I ploughed through and built the framework of scenes but left the last few chapters alone until I got to them. Because, as you’ll have noticed from Lithium #12, it has been a bit of a journey for me. I’ve woven my own truth into the story itself to both lend it some gravitas but also to allow it to help me work through some legit stuff as well. 10/10 would recommend.

Anyway. Yeah, it’s all done, and it finally ties everything together and apparently has a MASSIVE bunch of call-backs that didn’t make much sense at the time (and I didn’t plan) but now make sense and OOAHHHHH. Blimey. You guys like crying, right? Ahem. It’s happy, it’s a happy ending, don’t worry. It’s just … well. I can’t really say anything here, but I can honestly say bloody hell I’m proud of it as a whole work. And I think the final one might be the best one. Just putting that out there.

So fear not, there’s at least two more comics to go – it’ll either end on comic 14 or 15. Knowing me we’ll be at 15 by the time we get there, but anyway, just so you know. It does end, but bloody hellfire does it end! Hehehh.


Talking about anticipation, I’m sure there must be some rather magnificent comics due soon too, eh? COME ON, TIRA WE’RE WAAIIITTINNNNGGGGG …


31 thoughts on “Finished!

  1. Oh Sindy,
    You are quite something you know… I mean… quite someone!
    Gosh… ehr… I dunno how to put it… English is not my mother tongue…
    Anyway, I haven’t read Lithium 12 yet… saving it for last as I plan to (re)visit all that you have produced so far… and write down comments along the way.
    For myself first… then maybe I’ll share it with you, if it’s not too much!
    I want to sort of walk in your footsteps and try to fully understand… the lines… and what lies in between… the innuendoes… and all that stuff!
    My first read was just sooo rich… even if I went through it too fast.
    Can’t digest it all in one go…
    I realise I need to take more time, really get into it and let loose.
    “Slow food” for thought, like the one you deliver, deserves a slow read.
    Thank you!

  2. Congrats on finishing!
    I for one can’t wait. Even if that means getting the tissues ready, NOT FOR THAT! Get your mind out of the gutter!

  3. Wow….that is awesome! I can’t imagine what must be going through your mind now. Is it satisfaction, emptyness? This has been with you for so long, it’s been a part of you, a part of us…
    I’m so happy I was part of it, somehow just as a reader! Good for you for pulling through and making it happen!

    1. Ah yeah it’s kinda satisfaction. Trouble is now I’ve just written two more series and at some point I’m gonna get to the stage where my stories outstrip my remaining life to actually turn them into comics, heheh. I find the writing very easy, but the 3D/CGI takes TOO LOOONNGGGGG AAARGHHHH
      so maybe it’s frustration I’m feeling, hehe

  4. One one side its nice that there are at least two new Lithium Comics on the way and that some lose ends will come together. On the other side its somewhat sad that Lithium is coming to and end.
    That finale has to be epic, if you know what i mean *eeearrgGHHhhh* ๐Ÿ˜‰

    All your comics are sexy and funny at the same time and think its safe to say that all your readers are excited for the new stories you have for us.

    1. Hehh thanks Magic. Yes epic, but also I think I did that with comic 10, so in a way I’m free to finish the comic in a more subtle and profound way. That’s the plan anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hello Sindy and thank you for all the wonderful crazy comics ,
    I don’t know if asked or answered anywhere else but what is the chronological order to read all the comics?

    1. Yeah, the basic chronological order is shown at the end of Lithium comic 11. You could also chop the order up a little because you could follow an individual’s thread – for example if you were following Stephanie, you’d do OHB 1-8, then skip the others and jump into Lithium 9.
      Or if you were following Mike, you’d go OHB 6 – near the end of 7, then STFW #9, then complete OHB 7, then jump to Lithium #6 (first time we see Mike’s character revealed in Lithium), then continue through Lithium.
      Or if you were following the Grace characters, you’d start at OHB 8, then do Grace, then Lithium 10.

      Personally I wouldn’t bother trying to get it all to knit up as everything’s woven together (one of the meta-meta themes for all of them is our interconnectedness) – I’d start at OHB and work my way through the STFW universe in basic chronological order.

      1. Thank you for the response , reading them again and again I am amazed from the dialogues the soul searching for answers, of who we are who they are, what we are and what we can be.The dialogues with God are simply amazing… you are a beautiful soul Sindy and I hope/wish (to continue this journey with you for as long as it takes) that we will enjoy your work for many years to come.

        1. Thanks chill44, what a lovely thing to say. I reckon we’re all beautiful souls, we could all just do with a bit of a hand realising it. I know I do too, hehh.

  6. So far itโ€™s been a beautiful story and once itโ€™s over I hope you have another one coming. If youโ€™re Charlie Iโ€™d love to give you a nice long hug but you have to promise me you wont drop a knife into my foot.
    P.S. Yes Tira. Weโ€™re waiting.

      1. …but Sindy – you are really brilliant !!!
        Thank you very much for sharing all those greatest images !!!

  7. Say it ain’t so, Sindy! Lithium is ending!?!? ๐Ÿ™ One of the most thoughtful, insightful, uplifting graphic novels in existence today? I’m heartbroken!

    1. Sorry yep, has to finish sometime. Better to come to a full conclusion than sort of peter out or the author lose interest and things never get resolved – I hate when that happens.

      1. True. All good things must come to an end, but it still doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye to Charlie, Skylar and Jack! Maybe we’ll just say see ya later? (I hope, I hope, I hope!)

  8. Nice. I love a good happy ending… but.. or should i say BUUUUUT… ^_^

    You know after the work is befor the work.. so what do you think about starting a new serie after you finished Lithium? Or i could rent you my timemachine and you start with a ” 10 years later” – Comic?

    Everything has to end some time but i think everybody stays with me when i say your’s isn’t come now. Maybe in 40 – 50 Years when we all are to old to know how the new technic works. Or maybe you will be our messias because the world looks like your comic. This would be cool. I want a weekend-travel in my hyperspeed caravan. ^_^

    Anymways. I hope you stay for a long time. *hugs*

    1. Thanks Chrno, I very much would like to travel in your hyperspeed caravan, but I have to admit … whisper it … I am actually already from the future. I know, it’s embarrassing and I try not to mention it too much. But yes, there we are. I’m from the distant future, and came back to introduce more sexiness and kindness to the human race. No big deal, don’t worry about it. Kind regards, Sindy.

  9. Sorry to see it finished. There is however more than enough visual information as well as dialog to read more the twice to really absorb the full impact of it all.

    “The thing about being a pessimist is that you are never dissatisfied or disappointed. More Often than not you are mildly supprised.:

    1. Thanks Hilary. “If we evade suffering, we also evade the chance of joy, we will not know what it is to come home” ~ Le Guin.

  10. Love the Lithium kids. The series is well made and very entertaining.
    One thing, though โ€“ and this has bothered me since episode one. In the kids’ apartment; where’s the kitchen?

    1. SMOKE AND MIRRORS SPACEMAN SPIFF, DON’T ASK MATE, SMOKE AND MIRRORS, SMOKE AND MIRRORS. Yes I know, I know, it has irked me too. Here’s the thing though: since the comic where Skylar turns up, I’ve been careful not to show the wall to the immediate right of the front door ~ so I’ve kept the option of adding a doorway into the void there for a small galley kitchen. Don’t think I’ll ever bother creating a kitchen there, but yeah, it’s an option should we need it.

  11. Thanks. For both the beautiful drawings and the words.
    Full package, body and mind. You’re better than my girlfriend.

    P.S: may I “use” the Tree of Life as the base for a tattoo?

    1. I could not possibly compare to your girlfriend old bean, she being real after all. I am but an elixir gobbed from the upturned mouth of a sleeping spacegoat, hear my hiccup. I may have been drinking wine, sure.

      PS yes of course help yourself to whatever of my art you desire to have permanently squirted into your palisades – but if you actually, actually do it I would very much love to see a picture! I promise not to share it ~

  12. How is ‘Ethelador’ pronounced?

    Charlie returns from the World Tree (Axis Mundi).
    Skylar creates a three-way for “keepses.”
    Jack needs taking down by a couple of peg(gers)s.

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