Fresh worlds and new dreams

Thanks everyone for kind comments about the recent Lithium comic, I’m glad people liked it! Someone said that final page (William Bartock’s Yee haa) was like a horror story, haha! It’s a fair point, not sure what the future holds for that cheeky little bugger, lol. Although … Skylar did introduce that doll as “A real man”, so perhaps she’s known all along. Hmm. Guess we’ll find out.

Aaaaanyway as you may know, I have never spent a single penny on 3D scenery or props/software or what-have-you, I’ve always relied on the generosity of fans! Okay fine, and a little bit of piracy in the beginning, sure. But mostly fans!

So I have been inundated with people buying me 3D scenes recently from my Wishlist, and that has helped the ol’ mind-gears get a-cranking, and I have accidentally written a good few more stories. Turns out it’s very easy to do so when your brain is full of explosions and madness! Yay! Oh no! Literally, decades worth of content churning out of this ol’ noggin, believe me. Soon as AIs are able to generate comics straight out of my head, there’ll be mountains of filth pouring into the great human media sphere from yours truly.

Here’s a few test render dumps, some interesting scenes and ponderances of characters …

So … manyΒ  … ideas …. aaarghhh!!! One of the nice things about the Madiy and Crash scenario is it does lend itself to them discovering wild new places at quite a high rate as they adventure through life. So I might get into the habit of popping out a new M&C comic every now and then to try and clear the backlog of my futuristic-themed scenarios.

Ahhhh, always nice to have a little dream now and then, huh? Exactly.

13 thoughts on “Fresh worlds and new dreams

  1. Can’t wait to see what that crazy thing we all love, your mind, can come up with.

    I am so glad you found a home in the sphere and happy you let us visit.

    Keep it flowing girl. We will all be here drooling.

  2. I hope it never becomes clear what Mandiy and Crash really look like, the reality and a part of their bodies is always visible only in the last picture. The mystery is always more exciting than the raw reality. In my opinion.

    1. Ah yeah I think that’s a really important point, and I totally agree. I was sort of hovering around a few ideas with that one, but you’ve helped steer it there, thank you. Only question now is how does that series end? Can’t think how to fold it up, but perhaps we’ll make our way there. I’ve written five more adventures for them, and there’s a consistent theme emerging so I’m a little clearer where it might go. All good fun!

      1. If you don’t think of the whole thing as a story spanning several chapters, but as a series of short sketches, then you don’t have to finish the story. Like, for example, the Garfield strips, only this one consists of a few more pictures. It would be even funnier if the appearance of the characters always changed in the “dream” session, for example Mandiy would have small breasts, another time have long blonde hair, etc. The fun never ending… πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

        1. πŸ‘ yeah I did wonder about changing their appearance because it’s just fantasy, but I thought that might be too jarring, and reset any sense of connection we get with the people – even though they’re a sort of meta-fiction. anyway, hehehh good suggestions πŸ™‚

  3. “I have accidentally written a good few more stories”…well…happens to the best of us!
    If I may guess, this is a result of your, “now I know how to speed up my work” and the ongoing timeline of Lithium?
    So…creators have to create! Flood the planet with boobs!

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