Lithium Comic 12: The Living Doll

Lithium 12 is finally complete! It’s a great big, huge, monstrous 167 page adventure, and there’s a ton of stuff that happens … too much to list here, but suffice to say I’m pretty proud of this one, for all sorts of reasons, hehe. It’s funny, silly and … whisper it … there is some nudity! WHAT?!! NUDITY!?! We didn’t sign up for this?!?! No seriously, there’s nudity in this one.

Read it, share it, and let me know what you think!

Your feedback is useful in not only blowing smoke up my butt so I keep going, but heck I also love to hear people’s own responses to my stories, it’s interesting how we’re affected by stuff, eh? And heck one day I might even get round to setting up a KoFi account or something so you can buy me a coffee πŸ™‚


61 thoughts on “Lithium Comic 12: The Living Doll

    1. Thank you once again for delivering a heartfelt, hot, and hilarious comic. These are always the highlight of my day when I read them. I hope you get through whatever made you need to say that message in the comic. You are a wonderful person(as far as I a person on the internet can tell) and it shines through ur work.

  1. Holy shit,
    That was nice. You will be helping a lot of people with this (not just in a “cleaning the pipes” kind of a way).
    As someone who has struggled with similar issues these are nice thing to read.
    Thank you!

  2. Started this one right away, and I started laughing my butt off from page one, btw you owe me for a broken chair(HeHeHe) On Act III and loving this on soooo much. I don’t want it to end.

    1. When I encountered this yesterday I found that I could still download if I selected the “Alternative PNG versions” just above it. Downloads a zip file which also contains Chapters 10 & 11 as well as 12, also as PNGs. Takes a little longer and the PNGs are bigger than the PDF would be but it worked.

  3. It’s been almost ten years since my mother said “Never speak to me again” (12/13/2014). That section REALLY resonated with me. I don’t usually talk about it, but I do sometimes lie awake at night wondering what I could do, what I could say.

    Maybe I ought to go out to my deck on this rainy day and just speak to the universe.

    Thank you for a wonderful comic.

    1. Dude yes that’s a really tough one. It’s also surprisingly common, parents divided from their own kids does sadly happen quite a lot, so you’re not alone by any means. Always good to process these things, sometimes it can take decades to work through things – sometimes towards reconciliation, sometimes simply towards feeling peace about it. Whichever path is right for you, I hope you can find that space. πŸ‘

  4. does anyone know of another websight that number 12 can be viewed or downloaded? content is always great!!

    1. Just select the Alternative PNG version link above the Chapter 12 PDF link. Worked for me on 4/6/23.

    2. Try the site site has all the chapters arranged so one can step from chapter to chapter with one click, as well as having all the books arranged by artist so all Sindy’s stories are on one page! I personally love this site! Almost all my favorite artists are here!

  5. I’m kinda’ bummed that I didn’t realize this was out over 13 hours ago.
    I feel like I wasted so much of my day.

  6. Wonderful mixture of humor and heartfelt and sincere insight. And sometimes it’s we who steal our own lives, without even knowing it. Lots of chuckles in the silly parts, lots of self-reflection and soul-searching in the unsilly parts. Thanks, Sindy. You are one of a kind.

    1. I’m not sure – I’ve tried to keep it the same size, but then there are moments I want it to look more HRRRNGGG so I up the veins a little hehe

  7. Bonjour Γ  toute la communautΓ©. Comme dΓ©jΓ  Γ©crit dans le feedback, Je suis en couple avec une jeune femme de 19 ans et moi j’ai 70 ans. Nous menons une vie trΓ¨s active sur tous les plans. Et Γ  la dΓ©couverte de la sΓ©rie “Lithium” nous les avons lu dans la BD originale, puis celles traduites en franΓ§ais. Le traducteur met beaucoup de temps dans sa traduction car il veut faire sortir l’humour de l’Auteur, et c’est bien fait. On prend du plaisir en refaire la lecture.

    Ave ma compagne on s’amuse Γ  rejouer certains dialogues quand nous ensemble. Cela donne un plus du piment Γ  nos Γ©bats, mΓͺme si ceux -ci sont dΓ©jΓ  trΓ¨s haut. Hahaha!!!

    Un grand merci Γ  Sindy Anna Jones pour son superbe travail de crΓ©ation.
    Nous attendons la suite avec impatience; hihihi…

  8. Silly…. maybe a bit. Sexy.. very. Going deep… definitely. If all these comics are your way to talk to the universe I can only say thank you for sharing and for giving us a hint towards a way to find peace.
    Maybe I like your work that much cause it doesn`t only amuse me but also makes me rethink what I did and what I should have done, and cause it often makes me cry. Keep up your great work and I hope you`re doing great.
    And happy Easter by the way.

    1. “If all these comics are your way to talk to the universe” – very interesting way of putting it, I think you may be on to something there, hmm.

  9. Is there a trick for getting around the ‘download quota exceeded’ thing? I’ve tried VPN and different browsers, but have had no luck.

    1. Just wait a few hours. Tried ist yesterday in the morning, didn’t work and in the evening i could download it.

    2. Just select the Alternative PNG version link above the Chapter 12 PDF link. Worked for me on 4/6/23.

  10. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate the series as a whole as about 1,000,000. You hit a little close to home all the time and sometimes its good and sometimes it doesn’t very good. Don’t ever change yourself to fit in with the crowd or I will stop reading your work. Love ya. MMMwwrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!!

  11. Another awesome read with some really important messages and some more or less hidden jokes πŸ˜€
    Can’t wait for Lithium 13

  12. Damn you, SAJ!
    You do this every time! (and so damn well!)
    Fabulously fun and playfully wicked stories of brilliant and exciting love and lust, founded on incredibly important, complex and challenging human issues. Thank you SO much.

  13. Sindy, my dear, you’ve done it again! I was rolling on the floor laughing (the newscasts, and Skylar’s snatch of Sam’s binox) really had me howling, but Charlie’s turmoil brought tears to my eyes! I do hope the Emperor’s words and the love and support from Skylar and Jack will help ease her anguish! (I had a friend in HS who broke under similar circumstances and didn’t have a support network. Ended badly!) P.S. Can’t wait to see what Mike’s mission will accomplish! (Joy is coming?)

    1. Thanks Fred. Joy is certainly coming, but it’s not gonna be like a mega easy everythings-back-to-normal kind of thing, no surprises there I’m sure. Sorry to hear about your friend – yeah support networks are seldom in the right places; we always need to make those choices and seek help out which, when you’re stuck in it, is the one thing we don’t seem very good at. Existence, eh? Not easy.

        1. I realized shortly after my friend, Lara, passed away, that just having someone to talk to about what was happening to her would have helped her cope without resorting to the “Not So Great Escape”. So, as our mutual friends and I were commiserating after her services, we all agreed to become our own support network, as well as for anyone any of us knew who was in similar turmoil, and am happy to say I know of at least four people we had helped as well as a couple of our own group later in life (including myself). I was 17 when this all went down, and will be 68 on 5/31. Although we have lost most of our original group in the intervening 50 years, we have kinda passed the torch on, so to speak, to a new generation! I am getting my grandsons to start reading all your stories, (starting with “Grace”, and “One Human, Being” then setting them up for “Lithium”, with special emphasis on your notes at chapter end, because I feel it will help them become better, more empathetic people! P.S. the youngest is 19 so I’m not corrupting any minor’s mind, just enhancing their psyche!

          1. Amazing Fred. Yeah, we sometimes need that extraordinary sort of situation to learn a hard lesson and decide to help each other bravely, intentionally. I hope my comics are helpful for people, but there must be some non-porn equivalent out there that’d be a bit easier for people to share, hehe!

  14. Sindy,

    Thanks. I know you enjoy creating for your own purposes, but this isn’t something you have to do or have to share. So thank you.

    I can’t believe you were ever contemplating ending this series before this point. Not only was this piece of the story so necessary for Charlie, its just one of the best things I’ve read (to be honest, putting your words in God’s mouth DOES tend to lend then some gravitas!😜… Although too be fair, Charlie did do most of the talking… Ah therapy). AND I never would have been introduced to ‘lightning tree’! Really though, brilliant. In my opinion this is your best yet.

    I find myself torn. I want to share this with people so I can have discussions about the thoughts that it brings up, but it’s hard to say to friends “here check out this incest space porn comic, I swear it’s really good and wholesome and will make you reflect upon yourself and the world at large. Quit looking at me like that.”

    But maybe this is just for me. I usually first read these when I should be sleeping. It’s not good for my health the next day, but I can’t help myself. Its a sad commentary on my life and society that the best time to get uninterrupted ‘me time’ (of the sexy and non-sexy variety) is when my health has other priorities.

    Thank you, Sindy. I feel confident that you’d be a pretty cool person to know. And even without knowing you, it’s pretty cool knowing you’re out there.

    1. What an all-round lush bunch of things to say, thank you. Yes I’m cheating by getting God to say stuff, that’s sort of why I try and keep it to the ‘mmm’ and ‘mm-hm?’ sort of things haha! Very therapeutic hehehhh maybe I’m in the wrong job – counsellors tend to be pretty old so maybe that’s in my future somewhere, and hey! Then I can slip my comics into my practice … “Uhhh, reminds me of a sex comic perhaps you could check it out eerrrr …” heheh. No, I wouldn’t last long in that job, let’s face it …

      1. Heh. Just start the SAJ School of Highly Innovative, Mildly Disrespectful, and Sexually Progressive Counseling… yeah. That’s a mouthful.

        Or just Freedom Club.
        The first rule of Freedom Club is we ALWAYS talk about Freedom Club. πŸ˜‰

  15. Sindy,

    I am always amazed by your work. But how do you do it? Don’t tell me, I like magic not secrets, not knowing how delights me. Thank you very much for the pleasure you give me.

    1. Thanks Picabia, and I agree – I like mystery too. I reckon humans are all pretty spiritual/magic beings, long may our madness continue πŸ™‚

      1. Think of it this way, Sindy: God is telling you what words to put in His mouth, by blessing you with your talent and giving you your unique worldview! In essence, you are a more efficient messenger than any priest or pastor of any conventional church or synagogue!

  16. Apologies for taking so long to say what a brilliant faptastic, hilarious and uplifting creation this is. You have excelled yourself once more and in the process got closer to coming to terms with your own issues. Life affirming self help in beautiful, thrilling and inspiring form. I particularly liked β€œJackie, you’re getting my special bit”, “Schloerrr pop’, Charlie’s expresson of pure animal lust, the boggle joke, “Bloody womblecock Skylar!” and the ending of act II which was hilarious. The next chapter is so steamy that I can’t remember what happened but it was definitely moist. The ending is of course the most fabulous part of the whole thing because it speaks a higher truth. Thank you for being so excellent, big love M

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