New Madiy and Crash comic on the way …!

RRRUNNN!!!! They seemed to exclaim, for some reason, and in a panicky sort of way … that’s right, the EXCITING new ADVENTURE of Captain Madiy and her STURDY pal Crash is surely well on the way, with the first scene or two already done!

This one’s going to be a little longer than the first comic … I mean … apparently. According to Liz Tru55. Who is working on another comic, ahem, and will AHEM be emailing it to me once complete AAAHHHHHEEMMMMMM.

Apparently she got a spare hour yesterday and so rendered out a good few chunks of the second scene, so we’re probably looking at a week or two before it’s out, but hey I’m just happy knowing it’s on the way.

Tss, these former Prime Ministers, eh? Busy busy busy.

How many pokethrough issues can you spot in this single picture? That’s right, at least seven I’m gonna have to photoshop. Tsss, this is the problem with the GOGOGO approach to 3D rendering, hiding all the errors heheh.

EDIT: I mean seven errors that L1z Tru55 is going to have to photoshop.

EDIT EDIT: uh-oh, if somebody called L1z Tr#55 googles herself she’ll probably find this and get a bit weirded out. Hi Liz. Ahem. It’s a common name, don’t worry about it 😬

EDIT EDIT EDIT: LIZ, LISTEN BEFORE you get MI5 on my case and HUNT ME DOWN AND SUE ME to smithereens, you should probably google the Streisand Effect. I’m just saying. Think it through, Liz. We all need comics, okay? Think of the boobies.

6 thoughts on “New Madiy and Crash comic on the way …!

  1. Ha ha ha, if Ms Tru55 has a problem, just mention that the deficit is all hers. However, I am delighted she’s seen the light enough to do something useful with her life, she could do worse than give up the day job as a kindness and service to humanity and, of course, the national libido and boobies (natch). I think we can all breath a sigh of relief that your are clearly mentoring or supervising her. A grateful nation awaits…

      1. Yes hopefully under my mentorship she will produce some top quality random erotica hehe. And don’t worry about typos dude we all do them, I’ve put plenty in comics let alone comments 🙂

  2. Haha! Your blog is always every bit as entertaining as your comics! (Only without the boobies… )

  3. “Madiy and Crash” sounds to me a lot like “Mardi Gras”. According to wiki “…a celebration of life ” … and boobies, lots of them (at least in New Orleans, but, hey, that’s close enough)! It can’t be a coincidence … or?

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