This week ~ have some spoilers …

Uuooohuahh … okay. The rendering for comic #12’s all done. Speech bubbles underway, lots done already. So … next Lithium Comic out THIS WEEK!!!! For suresees. Maybe even Thursday? Normally when I say that it’s out the next day but I doubt it’ll be Tues at this rate, still quite a bit of work to go. Anyway, this week at least 👍

Here’s a completely random picture of Skylar, lounging about. Not in the comic, this render – it’s just for fun.


… so that’s nice.

SPOILERS! (rubbish ones)

Below is an animation with some even more random frames from previous comics, plus a few from this upcoming one. Sketch-mode because I was playing with the sketch settings, and I didn’t want the spoilers to be too spoiler-y. Hey maybe I should do the whole comic in sketch mode? Lol


Amusing factoid … that first frame it pauses on, the one that looks like a punch-up in a hurricane – that’s the first frame of the default ‘upstairs’ scene and is all the characters in the scene gathered around point 0,0,0 and scaled to 100% – so the model unicorn on the top of Charlie’s wardrobe is standing there at 100% horse size haha.

… yes … yes, very artistic GIVE US THE COMIC they seemed to say. Hehe check back soon, classic Lithium coming right up 🙂


14 thoughts on “This week ~ have some spoilers …

  1. Looking forward to it! And that’s a great picture of Skylar lounging about. I’d love to see more of that!

  2. We’re all holding our breath….

    Is it…I don’t know…weird, somehow, that something you do as a passion project, has so many people excited?
    You once mentioned you had thousands of readers, that’s quite an exposure (is it? Is that much nowadays?).
    I hope you are happy with the result, I’m sure we will be.

    1. Hehe thank you – yes for some time I used to monitor statistics of comic downloads and stuff on external websites (there’s tons of forums and sites that share my comics and show download numbers). Even if you only count the English-speaking sites, and the English version comics, you’re easily talking many millions of downloads per comic. Lithium tends to get over ten million per comic, last time I bothered to check. It’s extraordinary, really. So yes, where I refer to thousands of readers, I sort of mean the real fans who come and interact with my blog, and who read the comics in the right order etc.

      1. Sweet Jesus… That would be impossible for me to wrap my head around. Good for you for staying so level headed.
        10 million…just imagine the amount of baby-batter that produces…

  3. Cave paintings…that is…so cavy of you.
    But: Zebras and Pandas will enjoy it (they see only bw…)!
    Do the Hnng, hnng bubbles allready and let us do some lounging 😉

  4. “I don’t care if Sunday’s blue
    Monday’s grey and Tuesday too
    Wednesday, I don’t care about you
    It’s Thursday, I’m in love…”
    Sung by some British guy or chick or something in between. I think, it’s fit for my mood. 🙂
    P.S.: the sketch is very sketchy but the laser eyes are amazing!

    1. “Friday- I’m in Love!” by The Cure. Great song, and your rendition happens to fit my mood too! Can hardly wait ’til Thursday

    2. It’s Thursday I’m in lo-oooveee … honestly, the comic’s done done – I just need to get Google to bloody let me log in and I’ll upload it!!!

  5. First off let me say. BOOBIES!


    Seriously, Girl you have talent. I absolutely love, love your comics. Witty dialogue, beautiful artwork.

    Perfection takes time. No worries. It is finished when it is finished.

  6. That is SUCH a great render. I love how you differentiate the vaginas, include hair and change the lips. The puffy vag on Skylar is super hot.

    Cannot wait for #12

    1. Absolutely gratuitous vulva renders all over comic #12, believe me. Now if I can only get bloody Google to let me log in, I’ll upload the bastard and we’ll be there …

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