Staring into beauty

HELLO the internet. Well, gosh it’s been a few weeks eh and no doubt many things have happened in your life since we last spoke. How do you feel about that? Hmm, I hear ya, I hear ya. Existence eh? Classic stuff. Personally I have been suffering from what the doctor calls a ‘disease’, which…


The world over

Um yah. Thought I’d log into e-hentai for the first time in years and years, turns out the comics I uploaded there have been doing a roaring trade. See bar graph, and although it looks like they tail off, I completely stopped uploading comics there in 2020 (other people upload them since then), so these…


Gawd bless ‘er! I mean ‘im!

Okay, as you may know I originally hail from the great and slightly iffy country of England, and so this last weekend was a major one because … you know, kings and crowns and pedestals and service and madness and all that. And I do currently find myself within these blessed shores. I don’t have…


Final checks …

It’s funny, I always get tons of visits to my blog ramping up towards a new Lithium comic (understandably), then after the mad flurry of the comic release it generally then dies down for a few months. Not many people check my blog after a Lithium has gone out, assuming there won’t be anything else…
