Final checks …

It’s funny, I always get tons of visits to my blog ramping up towards a new Lithium comic (understandably), then after the mad flurry of the comic release it generally then dies down for a few months.

Not many people check my blog after a Lithium has gone out, assuming there won’t be anything else for ages.

Except … the real fans mwa-ha-haaaa! So … early tomorrow*, I will release another Madiy and Crash comic, as a little amuse bouche for you lovely people who keep popping by. Hooray!

Just doing the final checks and adding the last few speech bubbles πŸ™‚


(*EDIT: and by ‘early tomorrow’, I mean I’m uploading it right now)

(I mean Liz is DANG I can’t get the hang of this)

16 thoughts on “Final checks …

    1. Of course. One thing about Lizzzzzz: It is so obvious she was educated, trained and inspired by a master of the art. You must be proud of her!

  1. Of course I look forward to the further issues of Litium! My two favorite characters ever, so why not?

    1. Yeah feel free to look forward to Lithium dude. Haven’t actually started on #13 yet but it’ll happen sometime. Summer, probably.

    1. HURRRNNNGGGGGGGG!!! Okay fine I’ll release it right now FINE Philly, just for you.

  2. Does that make me a real fan or just a bit obsessive compulsive? Could go either way! Cant wait to have my bouche amused!

    1. Weeeell, yeah don’t worry about it either way. I was wondering where your avatar was from, just found it – Shadows & Dust p57! hehe, awh Xho, such a honey!

      1. I was hoping you would notice! I’ve just gone back and read the whole thing from STFW through all of the side alleys and main roads to the current Lithium. Shadows and Dust is one of my favorite episodes and Xho is well… awesome!

  3. “Not many people check my blog after a Lithium has gone out, assuming there won’t be anything else for ages.”

    …but that doesn’t lessen our love for you!
    Also: I have your site in my “daily bookmarks”…fine…as “harmles website totaly SFW! (don’t click)”…but still…!

  4. Well …I mean…I guess we all need some time to catch our breaths…
    I’m obviously not speaking for your entire fanbase, but i tend to feel like you deserve some kind of breather after finishing a comic.
    People support you in the final stages and respect your rest afterwards…i guess…

  5. Sindy, have you ever given any thought to maybe creating an animated version of any of your masterpieces? I’m sure there are tonnes of amateur animators out there who would absolutely die for the opportunity to create a movie of say OHB or would want to have a crack at “Lithium”! Maybe make them into serials like the old ’50s Westerns used to do. Aaaaaaand, if you could maybe convince Project Bellerophon/Nemesis to try with STFW and maybe Tira Yugen as well with RMFB, Goddess only knows how many people could be helped by your unique insight and compassion! Just a thought! P.S. would it be safe to assume Project Bellerophon/Nemesis was a collaborative effort with you and Tira Yugen as contributors? There are just so many similarities to your styles and I have noticed a few crossovers (Spock in drag poster in RMFB and “Lithium”, “Born To Be Fit” T-shirt on both Kal and Xho, similarities between Robert’s therapist from OHB and Anna Smit’s ex, Patrick (Pat’s client just up and disappearing as if he was no longer on Earth and Robert’s therapist having a similar bust on his side table to the one Patrick “gifted” Anna) πŸ˜‰ ;)! P.P.S “Forbidden Planet” (poster in Charlie’s room) was one of my favorite SF movies when I was growing up!

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