Free comic: The Adventures of Madiy and Crash, comic #2

The second Madiy and Crash comic is OUT NOW!!! Get it here, hot and free, that’s what she said etc etc.

Join our THIRSTY space adventurers MADIY and CRASH as they DELVE into the VERY HEART of the terrifying PERINEUM SYSTEM and have a MEDICAL EMERGENCY possibly requiring RUDE STUFF!!!! Yes.

Download it, read it, let me know what you think! You can comment below, and:

17 thoughts on “Free comic: The Adventures of Madiy and Crash, comic #2

  1. Grownups playing doctor … on a sinister background? No matter what, they do get the best out of the situation …
    The text part is so graphic it could almost stand alone … great combination with the pictures … and the humor is just down my lane.
    Thank you Liz … I knew we could Truss you.

    1. Cheers, yeup words and pictures eh? Can’t beat it. And music. And food. Awh damn now I need to do a comic where it’s like EAT AN EGG SANDWICH NOWWWW

  2. Bob-De-Neurotoxin… When I read that I was done. Crying, cringing, fucking rolling on the floor laughing. I still don’t have a clue why that hit me so hard. I might need a therapist…

    1. Hehe it’s such a stupid gag! I just thought of it as I was photoshopping the speech bubbles on, added it in at the last moment, so stupid hahaha! Eahhhhh, man. We all need a therapist 🙂

  3. Absolutely wonderful, you can see why medical training is so important in space. In the end it was also inevitable that Liz would make a complete arse of the whole situation. Brilliant work as usual, can’t wait to see more, another great success, well done SAJ.

  4. Liz Truss’s style is very good, but this is her second deep writing and she still doesn’t dare to use her own signature style, the salad.

  5. Woohoo! I can’t wait to get my eyes stuck in this one. I’ll save it for my morning literature….

    1. Thanks! I needed a funny, sexy sindyannajones fix! Life saving medical saliva (and sperm)! They didn’t cover these emergency techniques in a long ago EMT class! Love your work! Makes me laugh, imagine, lust and hope for a portal to a similar alternate dimensional reality! Thank you for adding some exclamation points to life’s continuous barrage of question marks!

      1. Okay! No problem! I have friends and colleagues who can’t stand exclamation marks so it gives me great joy to put them bloody everywhere! Woweee!!!!

  6. Madiy and Crash sure know how to get into some crazy situations! I’m glad we’re able to voyeur ourselves into their crazy adventures…
    Lovely work!

  7. Damn, I so want to be an Intergalactic paramedic right now. Wherever the Minkin menace lurks. Thanks Lizzie, just Cos.

    1. Now I have late nineties Beastie Boys song intergalactic stuck in my head! ‘Intergalactic paramedic … par-a-me-dic inter-galactic …’ oh lordy don’t get me started writing a whole new comic series THIS IS HOW IT STARTS …

  8. Terrific fun! Now, what does the calendar in their bedroom say on May 4th? We need to know.

    1. Ahhhhh, now here is someone who spots Easter Eggs before they become easter eggs. Nice 👍

  9. So innocent yet so naughty, you have exceeded my expectations again Liz! I seem to recall another tight space scenario of this nature in a Project Bellerophon production, might that have been an inspiration. Or do all ladies like to imagine situations like this….

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