Staring into beauty

HELLO the internet. Well, gosh it’s been a few weeks eh and no doubt many things have happened in your life since we last spoke. How do you feel about that? Hmm, I hear ya, I hear ya. Existence eh? Classic stuff.

Personally I have been suffering from what the doctor calls a ‘disease’, which if I’m honest has not been a completely welcome part of my life, but such is the scheme of things sometimes. No need for sympathy nor comforting noises, I am well provided with both IRL, I just thought I’d mention it because disastrous things happen sometimes and I’m of the perhaps counter-cultural opinion that they are generally blessings in disguise.

That’s not a rule I’m sure, its just been my experience; catastrophic life stuff / grief / big changes have often been fantastic and essential facets of the long term story. Perhaps, as my [significant other who shall remain nameless] pointed out a few days ago, loss is an essential part of freedom. I suppose it’s when we try and hold tight to everything that we tie ourselves in knots (see Anakin Skywalker storyline).

Anyway, to this end I’ve written a cute comic about a young man who suffers a massive fiasco and it ends up being a huge gift in his life. People often cynically talk about the ‘redemption arc’, or the predictable and slightly unbelievable atonement storyline, but I do think life does this to us sometimes. And it kicks ass. The breaking of the false self, the false comforts. Bring it, I say.

Quietly and with my eyes squeezed shut, sure.

I’ve just re-read the above and it does come across rather philosphical, sorry about that. I promise I’m not dying and am well on the way to health even as we speak. There’s a bit of me that occasionally thinks I’m winding down my comic-creation stuff. But thinking through what happens in the last few comics of Lithium … yeah they’re gonna happen, don’t worry. Business will resume as soon as the magic fairies in my tummy start dancing again. In the meantime, let’s wait ๐Ÿ™‚



16 thoughts on “Staring into beauty

  1. Believe it or not, I also reread your comics from time to time, and not so much for the bazonkazoners stuff, but because of how fascinating the storylines are. Your art is really a gift to the world.

  2. I too have had my life horrifically altered by, let’s call it, an “incident”. Though it causes me daily pain and stress I cannot imagine things any other way. We always think about “what-ifs”, but without these defining moments we’re no longer the same person. We are the sum of our experiences and more. I look at my life, how it has shaped me, and I’m okay with it.

    1. Yes, shit does rather happen does it not? My thing is short-lived this time, but plenty of folk exist with some extraordinary things ambient. My often-quoted Rohr wrote a book called Immortal Diamond which I would recommend (to all), talks of loss and disability in a very helpful way, I found. And will find again no doubt. Sorry to hear of the daily pain ๐Ÿ˜”

  3. What a calm and healthy way of dealing with life, I expected nothing less from someone with your imagination and philosophy.

    Anyway, hope you feel better nevertheless!

  4. I find re-reading essential in the same way that I can re-watch a favorite film & always find something of value in it. Sometimes it’s something I’ve missed, but at other times it’s something that has changed in my life and worldview that gives me a different way of looking at it.

    Sindy’s (and her alter egos’) work is a wonderful gift for all of us and even after multiple readings it’s still fresh and meaningful.

    I remember a PBS/BBC series about health and illness years ago with Jonathan Miller in which he described illness as a different way of being — you are not yourself when you are ill.

    Best wishes for a full recovery.

    1. Thanks Mark, yeah it’s pretty cool how we change and can re-watch/read old stuff and get something completely different from it. Perception of reality is much more flexible than we think in our teens and early 20s!

  5. So an AI dildo falls in love, it’s happy. A psyco AI vacuum shows up and the dildo sacrifices itself to save the one it loves. the end. Hope you are doing ok.

  6. Hola S, sorry to hear about this, I hope youโ€™re much betterer now. I see that the next post title indicates that you are taking a break, which given how much more than usual you have been doing of late seems like a good idea.
    Your stuff should be a Nutflix series, but maybe itโ€™s too good/advanced for that. Anyhoo Iโ€™d vote for it. I love the philosophical stuff almost as much as the boobs, itโ€™s what makes your stuff unique, and your characters real. Hang loose, big hugs Munkjack

    1. Thanks Munkjack, and yes I’d loooove to see it on Netflix, haha! If only we could feed these comics into an AI and have it create a non-soulless animated netflix series. Eahhh, one can dream.

  7. Thx for sharing your philosophical moments, Miss SAJ and God bless you for all the flipping beautiful moments and hours with Charlie et al. and im waiting indeed and send you all the best for healthy and the full power of all transcendental love ever.

    1. Wowee, ‘all transcendental love ever’ is QUITE a large amount! Thank you kindly, I suspect in some ultra-connected meta ways we are all due this full power you mentioned. Not quite sure how it works, sure …

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