The little break

Look, sorry but I’m having a little break from making comics, it seems. So if you wanna have a little break and check the blog again in a month or two, that would make sense. Looking at my many and various creative endeavors over the last few decades (PS. I am extremely old … I’m basically Mr Miyagi crossed with the Granny who tries to kiss little Bill*), there have been good, healthy breaks now and then; it’s a normal seasonal thing. The breaks don’t normally last more than a few months, but I learnt early on not to fight them, not to try and force the comics to happen.

It’s funny really, because there’s no lack of already-written stories to work through; it’s all written already. But the writing isn’t the issue; every eyebrow-raise, every hand gesture, every believable pose or ad-libbed nonsense or obsessively custom-made Caravaggio lighting reference that no-one will probably notice ~ everything requires something from our guts, eh? And if we force it to happen, then there’s no magic in it, we all know that.


So good news! I’m gonna wait till the time’s right. On the plus side, I read through the final Lithium yesterday afternoon (first time I’d read it in a few months, so forgot most of it already), and was tearing up within the first half of the very first scene, so it’s obviously got some human guts in the writing, hehehh. And I’m sure that Tira~misu … Yugen will no doubt carry on when they’re good and ready too, some strong Stacey’s Mom vibes coming from that direction. See you on the flip side.


Subtle references are kinda my thing. Don’t try to find them, you’ll go mad because … they’re RIDICULOUS IN-JOKES FROM MY SUBCONSCIOUS.

Kind regards,



Foot note: I’ve also discovered the US version of The Office. I could never quite stand the original UK version because Ricky Gervais makes my skin crawl and he clearly is just literally like that … but unlike the aborted UK-to-US translation of Red Dwarf which failed miserably, honestly I’ve been enjoying the US version of the Office so much! Oh lordy, so romantic, so human, love, madness, love. In that order.

Foot foot note note: ooh ooh! also, the new Spiderman film (out in the UK today) is absolutely exceptional and I fully endorse the direction this is clearly going in aaaarghhhhhhhh. If you like my comics because they say there are no bad people and even baddies have their reasons and you are still worthy of love, watch the new spidey because argh zomg etc etc. End of endorsement but watch that damn film because wowee.



*only kidding, I’m actually 15 years old


20 thoughts on “The little break

    1. Ah yeah I’ve watched all of Parks & Rec, love that too! Well, mostly. Went a bit squiffy at the end eh, but it can’t be hard writing ten trillion hours of comedy, so fair enough.

  1. I’ll watch it, thanks for the tip. Did you ever see Luc Besson’s Lucy, not too sophisticated but well done. Have a great summer and don’t forget to relax xx

    1. Ah yes I really enjoyed Lucy! Slightly unusual if I remember rightly, not quite what I expected had that typical Besson quirk. I shall relax, I promise πŸ˜„ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯πŸ’‹πŸ€Œ

  2. Thanks for the update, SAJ. Take really good care, and don’t worry about us: your health is way more important than our titillation (or even our tit elation). I hope you soon feel super-charged again.

    1. What a beaut thing to say, thank you Geof, this blog is blessed with people’s kindness, it seems.πŸ₯°

  3. Funny that Ricky Gervais makes your “skin crawl”, as an American I love his VERY candid humor and especially his disdain for the Hollywood Lefty Elite. As for the “American” abortion of the UK The Office, Steve Carell make me PUKE! And funny how no-so-funny John Krasinski has turned towards method acting in several movies and cable shows like Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan (though he really DOESN’T come across seriously as a CIA Agent).
    Get Charlie BACK WITH JACK!! They Bonded and BELONG TOGETHER, brother and sister regardless!! As Lovers.

    1. Ricky Gervais is a grotesque horror of a man clearly not ready for actual human relationships, so I’d be careful who you admire, and the consequences of their paths, old chap. Yes its been funny to see John K in Jack Ryan, I can only imagine they made the same choice as the people casting the Office; they wanted someone relatable and sort of doughy, rather than some edgy beautiful ultra-spy.

      And your LAST COMMENT reveals something of who you are (I had some FEEDBACK which TOLD me what to do as well and was … full of shit, basically). It does seem you haven’t actually read my comics beyond a quick flick-through, so just know that such comments generally achieve the exact opposite of their intent. Just something to note. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  4. Love your work tons. If you never made another piece of art, you’d have achieved more than most so if the break becomes permanent it’ll still be just fine.

  5. I guess we could name you Sabi Yugen then; after all, from you own lips, you are between 15 and 115-is years old (which would have been my first guess anyway) making you “sabi” and you offers “yugen” art… what’s not to lke.

    Take care …

  6. Thanks for all the smiles and tears you have brought us over the years. Your influence is likely more than you can imagine. Be kind to yourself and enjoy your life. We will survive even though we will miss your insights into the human condition.

    1. Aw thanks Mark, but heck this isn’t it! Probably. I mean none of us live forever, but it’d be a damn shame if Lithium (and the rest) just stopped there …

  7. Hope you’re keeping well love. I dont respond much, which is rude, but your work is appreciated. Think you have created a loyal community here and Im sure Im not the only one looking forward to you coming back, refreshed, with your take on life.
    All the best Sindy πŸ‘β€

    1. Thanks David, and any response is a blessing there’s no rush. If it’s kind, it’ll be in its right time πŸ‘Œ

  8. While certainly the last few years have its share of bad things overwhelming us; since I had the great fortune of finding your stories, there have been many moments where I was overwhelmed in a good way, and just had to take a few moments and marvel at your creation, and the resulting feels.
    Whatever time or break you need, know that we appreciate the lovely gifts you have already put out into the world.
    If I was looking for non-webcomic means to decompress, but still wanted sexy stories, I’d look at the travel or sci fi tags on Literotica.

    1. Thanks Voxman – wow I forgot the word ‘literotica’ ~ that takes me back to about 2004 surfin the web!! I’ll have to revisit that one and see how its getting on. More recent discovery has been ~ genuinely enormous, and some extraordinary written stories/series in there.

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